From rejection to success the history of the "seasons" company

in Project HOPE4 years ago



Greetings beloved community, we are going to talk about the success story of the cosmetic products company "seasons", a Mexican company that in its beginnings went to a popular TV program called Shark Tank, where entrepreneurs show their products to investors and professionals and each of them gives a verdict.

When Jacob Macias the CEO of "seasons" went to the program he made a very good presentation, he already had a functional product and had achieved sales, the numbers were few but he had numbers that supported it, however the professionals said it was an unviable product, they criticized all the aspects of the product from the CEO's presentation, the fact that it was a cream for Latin skin, the fact that it was a vegan cream and the fact that it was cosmetic products, even a member of the jury claimed that the CEO was such a good salesperson that he was intimidated.

It turns out that after this failure, on national television in Mexico, the people of seasons did not give up and today they bill 600 thousand dollars in sales, they have even appeared on the top of Forbes magazine as a promising and expanding company, we can To say that this company achieved success and it did so after a clear rejection, in front of everyone, and the secret was not to give up and continue to believe in themselves.

Seasons was born after the CEO had to present a product as a final project when he graduated, he came up with an idea about a vegan sunblock cream, the teachers liked the idea so much that they recommended him to materialize it, so the CEO search a chemist and on the roof of the chemist's house they began to produce "seasons" cosmetics, with a turnover of 12 thousand dollars the first year.



It is incredible how a simple idea turned into a company that invoices a significant sum, many would have given up when hearing investment professionals criticize your product, they believed in themselves and with hard work and perseverance, they achieved success, we can't let nobody tell us that we can't, we must believe in ourselves.

Thank's for read

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This is a clear example that no matter how professional an opinion is, it is still an opinion, when you have an idea and a passion success comes if you are willing to pay the price, the truth is that I love these success stories in Latinos because we have more disadvantages, for living in developing countries.

when we see a Latino succeed, we feel identified, thank's for read

Hello friend, I will tell you that I love that program, I watch it a lot on Amazon prime, I think that despite the criticism we should not let intimidate us, if we believe in us we must go ahead, do not listen unless our project is a real madness. In this case it was not like that and these guys managed to conclude their great project. Self-confidence is very important to achieve great things in life. Best regards.

If we do not believe in ourselves who believes in us, so they are enjoying their success now, thank's for read

Nice story, the rejections we face today can turn out to become a great testimony of our success soon but that is if we choose not to give up or compromise.

Anyone would have given up, these people believed in themselves and there they have a testimony for the world

Con el apoyo de la familia.

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Con el apoyo de la familia.

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Una reseña bien interesante, @ramsesuchiha