SEC-S17 / W5|What is your biggest Fantasy?- What if there will be cancer treatment

in Steem For Pakistan5 months ago





Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to invite you to this challenge by Steem For Pakistan Community:


My biggest Fantasy: to find a treatment for cancer


There are many things that we can make true in our life with our own efforts and own skills. We can even build the spaceship and self-driving cars. We can make money from electronic currency and with it to support people, some can even become rich and make their dreams true.

The only one thing that nobody can control and also no science at present can 100% treat is cancer disease.

Despite of the development of medicine and that research is development new measurement of preventive medicine as well as early recognition of cancer we still loose this battle, because the nature of cancer is like parasite who needs his host to live, it is be silent while growing and nourishing itself from our energy, supplied with oxygen, food and warm protective environment. That is a reason why we do not feel first symptoms till, cancer has no way to hide anymore:

  • while it is becoming bigger it needs space
  • it will be causing compression of other organs, vessels causing the symptoms
  • it could reach a big sizes and then take the "food" and produced toxins that could slowly damage our body


World without cancer


How it will be if we could treat cancer? Of course, we can do it partially when we remove the cancer surgically at early stage, with or without chemotherapy. Those patients are survivals of cancer and that is absolutely great feeling to be able to win that fight.

I think in general many of us are aware about cancer and we try to avoid some of the causes like:

  • smoking
  • toxic chemicals used in many manufacturers
  • radiation

But there are situations when we have some genetic predisposition like breast or ovarian cancer those people can test the children and do early regular check up.

When I think about that I wonder if it is possible to remove those genes while the new organism is just formed and even before foetus is developed. That is called Gene Engineering, there are a lot controversial discussion about ethic and if it is correct or not. I believe parents who will find that their child might have a cancer and there is a possibility to remove those Cancer Genes what they will say. What will you say if it is you and your child's future? I will definitely support that in order to give a chance to give a better future if we can present why not.

I dream about the time when there is a cancer treatment and everyone would be able to get the treatment and have a chance to live.

Nowadays everyone had someone in family who had a cancer and we all know how much of pain we all experience, we all would be happy to have our family members for much longer time with us if we could.


I would like to invite @davidad, @amjadali00, @hudamalik20 for this challenge


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




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  • Unbenanntg-1.png

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Planet Wild - restores the planet.



 5 months ago 

Hello @stef1 hope you are having a good day and thanks for mentioning me in this amazing contest ya your post really got me thinking about how much we wish we could find a cure for cancer.

How far we've come in technology and medicine, yet cancer still unbeatable I like your idea about gene engineering to prevent .Imagine a world where nobody has to suffer from cancer anymore 😌🙌.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for stopping by, it is something that we all think time to time when hearing the fate of such people we have compassion with them but feel helpless. The only hope is that with years there will be something to get that disease under control.

Wow great extraordinary performance I really enjoyed reading your post I have never read this kind of expression before I have posted it myself so I have not discussed it either. You said that in your world dream, there should be no disease like cancer, that is, that you want a world free from cancer, that is, that cancer should be completely eradicated.

Very important point you have raised here for such patients I am glad to know your point of view that you have humanity and feelings for people in you till this seven especially for people with few diseases. It is a disease due to which we lose our various dear precious relationships. I really enjoyed reading your post. I am really happy and informed. Appreciate is less🌹❤️

 5 months ago 

The topic that we try to avoid with hope that then it will not affect people we love. I agree the countries should invest a lot of financial support in the research and development of new ways to control that disease.

Saludos querido amigo @stef1 tu fantasía es maravillosa ver la posibilidad de descubrir la cura contra el cáncer es algo sensacional, ver cómo cada día familias sufren al ver a uno de su miembros padecer de esta enfermedad y sufrir junto a su familiar
Hay historias tristes de personas que han perdido la batalla pero también hay muchos guerreros y guerreras sobrevivientes de este mal, así que es una fantasía maravillosa y Dios quiera en un futuro no muy lejano los científicos descubran una vacuna o tratamiento que logré eliminar por completo las células cancerígenas de nuestro cuerpo

 5 months ago 

Every time I hear some news about medication of like you said a vaccine against cancer, I hope that it is the cure. But currently no real remedy, so the work of scientists is still ongoing. So long the only way forward is preventive medicine and our own active participation in check ups and follow ups to keep us healthy.

 5 months ago 

Greetings @stef1

I feel good reading through your post now. It's no longer hidden that cancer has taken over the world, finding solutions to it is the main problem. Many have travelled in search for cure but all to no avail. Dreaming of such world where they'll be no more cancer worth it, because during that time we won't find a building by name hospital. When will this happen? You own is a dream or Fantasy, but our God has promised to get rid of any deadly disease in the whole world world. Do you believe this sir?

 5 months ago 

Yes, it is maybe one of the disease that the scientists around the world are trying to find. I believe people have to work together to find a solution.

Es muy loable que hayas dedicado tu participación a soñar con una solución para esta terrible afección.

Sin embargo, en lo personal no soy partidaria del tipo de intervenciones como ingeniería genética, me inclino más a atacar y controlar las causas de la enfermedad, algunas de las cuales has mencionado.

Un mundo con menos artificialidad y agentes cancerígenos invita a menos intervenciones invasivas en el cuerpo humano.


 5 months ago 

Thank you for reading and of course, I completely agree with you even in my own family there are many different opinions. I think everyone should decide for themselves if they wish or not and everyone opinion should be respected.

 5 months ago 

Your fantasy is amazing and appreciative. I liked your idea to write and your shared thoughts. Best wishes for your dream fantasy.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for reading and your nice comment :)

 5 months ago 

Salam Stef I see your post ur bigest fantasy is finding a treatment for cancer. Like imagine a world where all of uh has a chance to live long without the fear of this disease. So keep dreamming and working towards a future where cancer is no longer a threat to our loved ones. Best of luck dear..

 5 months ago 

Yes, you are right the scientific work in search for the cure it is still a long way but hopefully there is a good progress.

 5 months ago 

Cancer is in the dna it does occur in certain families more than others.
If it comes to chemicals they are everywhere. In the mood, fast foid, the plastic cups, mugs, all the medication we take (and is peed out in the water we consume, the meat we eat and the milk we drink) and not to forget to mention all those vaccinations.
Even animals we take good care of suffer from cancer. The oet rat (an offspring of the lab rat is a great example of how we humans created and stimulated cancer).

I find it suspicious there's no cure used (there is and it's a simply one - high doses of oxygen - and fastening for over 17 hours activates making new stem cells) but why use thse methods if Big Pharma needs to make an income too?

It's a nice fantasy but also not realistic. People are just like flora and fauna part of life. If we no longer die we should be with over 50% less and without offspring, not able to multiply.

For every living being there's a time to live and die. A long life isn't a right, not even natural. The average age is way younger than thought,it's a few years above 40.

A stress free life makes a world of difference. It's what I and my children experience. Heart attacks and bone cancer runs in both sides of the families.

You gave some food for thought.
Thank you.

P.s. I have no (wild) fantasy to share, not even a wish or dream.


 5 months ago 

Thank you @wakeupkitty for your interesting comment. I enjoyed reading it very much, there are a lot to think about. Like you I also was thinking about our lifespan that we live get older some people may develop cancer some not but like you mentioned even animals can have it that is something I did not know before, since veterinary service so developed we hear from some of friends that their pets are affected.

I think getting older healthy is something that we all dream, but die from cancer and be poorly that is something that nobody wishes for himself.

Stress is also another factor that could make our life miserable, friendly and supportive family members that is something that I would love to have and wish to everyone.

 5 months ago 

Somehow we all believe getting older is normal but it is not.
So perhaps it is wise to sit each day for 5 minutes and ask: did I do what I like today, how do I feel, what if this is my last day am I satisfied?

My life was far from easy, I never made a bucket-list, there are no things I love to do before I pass away, I do not have FOMO.
Despite the hardships there are moments I can truly say: I feel satisfied I can die now.

There are so many diseases causing death but at the same time there are peolle with over 40 diseases and they get over 90 years old. If they pass away the doctor will say: died of high age.

Not knowing you are ill,staying away from stress helps a lot next to a positive attitude towards life.

There's a Dutch expression: jij bent verkankert or kanker niet zoveel.
You are cancered or do not cancer that much (cancer = complaining). Perhaps these two exlressions have something in common with the disease and it triggers the negative cells (just like all those chemicals do).

In my shelter I saw many animals with cancer, in most cases the spleens of the immunesystem were involved. Also frequently the female organs which is not different with women - breasts - whomb ...

Vets here state unvaccinated animals are more healthy. It seems it's the same for humans. After each vaccination period new diseases say the daylight.

Thank you for the good talk.


Sincerely for so many times, I have really be wondering why till now there is no yet a cancer treatment or cure rather. A lot of people are dieing because of the disease

 5 months ago 

Thank you for stopping by and for reading :)