RE: intellectual spirituality to face luck and bad luck, A comment to @wakeupkitty.pal's post
You're raising a great point. You missing that bus and therefore avoiding an accident is a perfect example of a blessing in disguise. Nobody really knows how things are ultimately going to turn out. Good luck, bad luck? A lot of that is just a matter of perspective. It reminds me of an allegory of a Chinese farmer who kept his stoicism in the face of changing fates. A loss led to him winning something else, which resulted in another loss, which temporarily spared him some trouble. Meanwhile nobody around him quite gets his apparent indifference.
I guess some might argue that this kind of passive attitude is really just phlegmatic, but I'd say it's just a natural progression of human consciousness. Or rather a potential side-effect of getting older, especially in terms of those who've seen a lot. Beyond I reckon it might be kind of counter-intuitive or even unnatural for a young person to live like this. Better just live your life while you're young and enjoy the ride. Cry, laugh, all of that. You'll know when you have had enough.
There's also another idea I quite like, when Carl Sagan talked about how things imply each other. If you want to create an apple pie from scratch, so he said, you'll have to invent the universe first. The concept of that pie implies space, time, apples, trees and so on. Each additional thing implies something else with its own implications, recursively forever. A bit like this comment implying yours and yours being a reaction to mine, in part at least. Same as me only having posted because @wakeupkitty.pal was tagging me first, if we're being deterministic about it.
I'm saying the latter because if I were God and I wanted to make YOU from scratch, the same would apply. It's this exact recipe that has turned you into this specific manifestation of whatever you are. Who knows, maybe we're all working towards the manifestation of something beautiful. Something that's worth the suffering. Or maybe life really is just meaningless chaos. Yet weirdly enough that premise still applies. No matter how bad things are, here and there the soup gives rise to something beautiful. It isn't all just endless horror.
I'm not married to that opinion, it's more or less just how I'm feeling right now. I might feel differently about it tomorrow.
Thank you for joining in the comments. I see this topic as a theme that has a deeper understanding when a concept of spirituality is juxtaposed with rationality. and what you describe is actually true. I see a reality that makes us have to continue to think positively to continue with positive actions, as we know in Buddhism we also teach about eight paths of truth, one of which is thinking correctly with the right intentions and of course it must be followed by correct actions. We in Indonesia, which is very diverse in terms of religion, feel that almost all religions teach morals and character as one of the pillars in living life. that what we sow we will reap and everything will have consequences. If we realize this well then we will be able to coexist with anyone, including humans, animals, plants and all the natural resources around us. meaning that everything will have good implications for ourselves.
With or without religion I believe we all follow the same rules which is law. The law is not that different from what religions teach although it might come in different forms and the punishments are different as well.
If we like it or not the world we live in is diverse and it would be very boring if we would be and think in the same way.
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