RE: intellectual spirituality to face luck and bad luck, A comment to @wakeupkitty.pal's post
I wrote you back and next.. so everything gone and I hope I can recall what I wanted to say.
You gave Italy something to read and are a great @diaginassio, I'm happy you joined and are willing to share your thoughts.
The story about the missed bus is indeed what one can call "being lucky" although if you never had seen (or heard) about the accident it would have still been bad luck meaning if it comes to luck/bad luck it has all to do with perspective.
I like the story about the lizard dropping on the head and it reminded me of a pigeon pooping on my head as a kid. Of course, it was dirty but my father told me it would bring luck (it didn't either).
but also use common sense, or I call it intellectual spirituality.
This is a very good remark and what I miss most. Common sense and intellectual spirituality. I wonder what happened that most people lack it or perhaps it always has been this way?
In my opinion, many people are religious but not religious. They even deify religion more. Many people see religion as something that must be worshiped so that not a few people misunderstand.
This happens because they understand religion artificially. Not seeing that God created us as humans who are given reason and character. Blind fanaticism towards religion makes us think very narrowly. When we are influenced to do evil things under the guise of religion or verses in Sunni books without including the right understanding or interpretation, it can certainly be dangerous.
The emergence of radicalism is a result of this narrow understanding.
Seeing a verse that states that people outside our sect must be eradicated. They will be able to kill other humans and will lose their humanity. In fact, religion is given to humans as a way to achieve good spirituality. The best spirituality in my opinion is when it can humanize humans. Making humans whole and equal without ever looking down on others.
Spirituality is higher than just adhering to a religion. Spirituality gives us awareness to do good and give our best.
I am not sure about what you mean by your first words but I assume it is the translator mixing up words.
There is religion, an institution, building, leader, certain rules and orders the followers should live by (should most don't only if it fits them or if it comes to like minded).
Next to these instirutions for believers there are the "pagans" making a fool of today but whose cuktural habits and rituals are adapted by many religions or people wirld wide at the same time.
Next to that we have (partly pagan as well) cultural old believes, laws, rule to live by and also many are set by societies/governments all based on socialism and humanity(if the ruler is a christian the people are forced into christianity).
Is there more than following rules, fighting wars in name of god, saying you are the chosen one and god (only) protects your country?
To me there is and indeed this is awareness - spirituality which is at the first place about feeling completeness yourself which is tabu/wrong/called selfish if it comes to any religion/institution I know. Who was created out of dust should keep crawling through the dust and live like a sinner and pay for being a sinner.
The awareness should be to be good, not to do good. Doing good is the result of being good. Doing good is fake if it is just to promote oneself, save on the payment of taxes or find a flock of sheep to win the elections.
Good topic though I learned religion is one og those topics people fight about and are not able to discuss since what one believes is holy.
I mean some one who have a religion but doesn't religious. for an example he admit a moslem or christian, but he doesn't live with islamic or chistianity way, He use verse of holy book for his interest . that's why I said to have a religion but also not have a religion. The religion used is only used as a dress, not as a basis for behavior.
As you said, every entity must have rules that can be made in various ways. If it is a customary order, of course the community itself, starting from the way of habit to the customs that are recognized together by the community.
I agree that doing good is an implication of being a good person. Being a good person is a characteristic of humanity. We are aware that we live in a pluralistic society so we must be able to carry ourselves well.
As an interfaith discussion, it is actually not a problem because it can open up shared insights about our diversity. that we will never force one religion on another person, that's for sure. But it's good when someone gets to know another religion and then understands why someone does their worship in their own way. of course all is based on an attitude of curiosity without the aim of discrediting other religions
Thanks for explaining the first part. If you ask me 95% of all religious people (if not more) ignore the rules. If that wouldn't be the case they wouldn't lie, steal, rape, fight wars, scam, lift their hand against children, women, bully, harm nature and whatever more we can think of.
It is still a miracle to me how all these acts are justified by a book or some religion. It is still an unanswered question after all those years of writing with prisoners.
I like to see life, people, whatever they believe more realistic and the bragging and preaching I can't take seriously. Visiting a church doesn't mean one is a good person. I also don't see the need to pay the church so I end up in heaven, no thanks It feels like a horror to me to meet all those people who claim they are the best of the best.
I understand most people need something to cling to, believe in but if it comes to it I rather stick to the Celtic gods and their worship of the old, first creatures like the stones, rocks, trees and mother Nature. Perhaps the fact Nature is female, the earth and the moon are makes more sense to me?
As said it's hard to discuss religion with most people because they feel personal attacked if you question (especially if they don't have an answer) and I noticed thinking for oneself is what most people lack. Kind of sad since if this is the case there's nothing to learn.
Btw, I do have friends with different believes like one of them is Jehova Witness and I can tell her what I don't like about this club. For example being super kind to outsiders but forcing the members to kick out their own children and literally ignore them even after one word of a judas. Seems the men rule and aren't checked if it comes to their dirty behaviour and being a rat is appreciated and rewarded. Although I tell her it breaks my heart how own family is treated we are still friends and we can talk about everything and I know it makes her think and she does abandon her son but a part of the children do abandon her because of that (and the rat is the son in law).
It feels as if religion is rarely peaceful, a way to show love and care about another and what I notice (and I am not the only one) is that those without a religion are 90% more willing to give to charity and reach out to strangers. I wonder what causes that.
Happy to read your #comment and know about your thought.
In my opinion making clear is a good way to avoud missunderstanding.
I'm happy to be able to discuss and convey opinions and understanding. I think more openly and don't blindly reject the truth. For me, truth can come from anywhere and I believe that the ultimate truth comes from the Almighty. we know how hard it is to do it. always feel imprisoned by the rules. I see that the rules in religion must be understood more broadly so that we don't lose common sense. If there are groups or even other religions that have their own principles, we must respect them without demeaning them. My home is often visited by Jehovah's Witnesses and we discuss many things. Once upon a time two Jehovah's Witnesses stopped by and then we saw they were tired and I served them water and then there was a conversation until I asked a question
"Could an almighty God make a stone so big that he himself couldn't lift it?"
At that time, this question still could not be answered until at the next meeting they came with young people whose understanding seemed more educated. We then chatted more and we found many points of similarity between the teachings of the Bible and the Koran until we came to the conclusion that the closest relative of Christianity is Islam. I said that in the Koran there is a surah named Maryam, who became the mother of Jesus. So we can see that there is solidarity and closeness between the two. Brand also complained about the attitudes of other Christian groups who consider Jehovah's Witnesses to be heretical. So I say that actually in religion there is no need to judge the beliefs of other people or groups. Just live your life normally and worship according to your own beliefs. My diverse environment with shared religions makes us more open minded.
I have good Buddhist friends and have a broad understanding. Likewise, my Hindu friends can live side by side like in Bali. Unfortunately, it was later polluted by evil radicals who thought the brand was the best and then thought the others were wrong. we call those who arrogantly think they own the truth "the committee of heaven" It is as if they are the ones who determine who has the right to join the group while groups outside them are heretical and lawful to kill. Wouldn't teachings like this be very dangerous for humanity? They will very easily be brainwashed with the promise of getting an angel in heaven and then detonate a suicide bomb. how sorry they are. So we are happy who still use common sense in practicing religion or not.
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