The Best Food Post: Torta Fatta in Casa / Cake homemade [IT/EN]

in Italylast month

Non possiamo mangiare pane alle banane tutti i giorni.
(sì, possiamo 🤐 a meno che non abbiamo finito le banane)
E mio figlio ha superato l'esame
È ora di cucinare
(torta alla panna montata)
Questa è una delle torte olandesi più comuni!
Facile da fare e da mangiare
È l'ora della festa!


Torta alla panna montata

Molto probabilmente il negozio Hema è il più famoso per questa torta. La torta è decorata con zuccherini al cioccolato e sopra piccoli pezzi di frutta, di solito ananas, mandarini, ciliegie candite, fragole, uva (tutti frutti che non abbiamo).


  • 1 stampo
    (carta da forno)
  • 4 Uova (+ 4 cucchiai di acqua)
  • 140 grammi di zucchero
  • 100 grammi di farina + 50 grammi di fecola di patate (o di mais).
    (lievito in polvere)
  • Panna (montata)
  • Pezzi di frutta per decorare
  • Spolverini di cioccolato/mandorle tritate o... per i lati della torta.


  1. Forno: 220 gradi Celsius

  2. Ho messo un pezzo di carta da forno intorno al fondo della teglia e ho usato un po' di burro per i lati (oppure usate semplicemente il burro e mettete la teglia in frigorifero).

  3. Sbattete le uova con l'acqua e lo zucchero in modo che siano ben spumose (potete fare a meno dell'acqua, ma con l'acqua diventa più soffice).
    4 Aggiungere la farina e la fecola di patate setacciate e versarle a cucchiaiate nella pastella di uova e zucchero. Non mescolate troppo a lungo o l'aria andrà via.

  4. Riempire la padella con la pastella

  5. Tempo di cottura: 20 minuti


    Il vantaggio di questa torta è che potete prepararla in anticipo, conservarla in freezer e decorarla in seguito.

  6. Montare a neve la panna con lo zucchero vanigliato.


    250 ml di panna + 1 cucchiaio di zucchero vanigliato

  7. Tagliare la torta orizzontalmente (la norma prevede 3 strati dove tra uno strato c'è la marmellata e tra l'altro la panna montata. Per me sono sufficienti 2 strati. Utilizzare un lungo coltello da pane o un filo di ferro).



  8. Mettete la marmellata/confettura sullo strato inferiore e completate con la parte superiore.

  9. Rivestire la torta con la panna montata. Io uso un tagliapane.


    11.È ora di decorare!
    Mio figlio mi aveva lasciato solo qualche spolverata di cioccolato (l'hagelslag è ciò che gli olandesi mangiano sul pane imburrato).


    Le scaglie di cioccolato... . solo qualche briciola e la frutta surgelata comprata 👎 (io ci ho fatto la confettura, almeno così è più buona e più bella).


    Alcune more sembravano ragionevoli e ho raccolto i mirtilli da un albero. Non ci sono fragole a rallegrare la torta, ma dato che viene mangiata in una volta sola chi se ne frega.


Divertitevi in cucina.
Se non durante la cottura concentrarsi sul risultato finale


Header/Photogrid: Canva
Photo's taken by me 
I am a mobile phone user only


Whipped Cream Cake

We can't eat banana bread daily
(yes, we can 🤐 unless we are out of bananas)
And my son passed his exam
It's time to bake
(whipped cream cake)
This is one of the most common Dutch pies!
Easy to make and to swallow
Let's bake
It's party time!


Whipped Cream Cake

Most likely the shop Hema is most famous for it. The pie is decorated with chocolate sprinkles and on top small pieces of fruits usually pineapple, tangerine, candied cherries, strawberries, grapes (all fruits we don't have).


  • 1 Mold
  • 4 Eggs (+ 4 tablespoons water)
  • 140 grams of Sugar
  • 100 grams of Flour + 50 grams of potato starch (or corn starc
  • (whipped) Cream
  • Pieces of fruits to decorate
  • Chocolate sprinkles/shaved almonds or... for the sides of the cake.

How to

  1. Oven: 220 degrees Celsius

  2. I put a piece of baking paper around the bottom of the springform pan and used a bit butter for the side (or just use butter and place the pan in your fridge)

  3. Beat the eggs with the water and sugar well fluffy (you can do without water but with water makes it fluffier)
    4 Add the sifted flour and potato starch and spoon it into the egg sugar batter. Do not stir too long or the air will go out.

  4. Fill the pan with the batter

  5. Bakingtime: 20 minutes


    A plus of this cake is you can make it earlier, save it in your freezer and decorate later

  6. Whip the cream until stiff with the vanilla sugar.


    250 ml of cream + 1 tablespoons vanilla sugar

  7. Cut the cake horizontally (normal is 3 layers where between 1 layer is jam and between the other layer is whipped cream. I find 2 layers enough. Use a long bread knife or iron wire).



  8. Put the jam/confiture on the bottom layer and top with the top.

  9. Coat the cake with whipped cream. I use a pancake cutter.


  10. Time to decorate!
    My son had left me only a few chocolate sprinkles (hagelslag is what Dutch people eat on buttered bread)


    The chocolate flakes.. . a few crumbs only and the bought frozen fruits are 👎 (I made confiture out of it at least it tastes and looks better this way).


    A few blackberries looked reasonable and I picked the blueberries from a tree. There are no strawberries to brighten up the pie but since it's eaten at once who cares


Have fun in the kitchen.
If not while baking focus on the end result.


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Favolosa, peccato che sono allergica a troppi pane di banane non so che cos'è, però sicuramente lo potrei mangiare perchè alle banane non sono allergica🤣🤣🤣🤣

Il banana bread è più che altro una torta con la banana. Non so perché lo chiamino pane.

Se potete mangiare banane e zucchero
Una volta cosparse/con, si possono cuocere/friggere. Zucchero o zucchero e cannella. Con l'amido di canna dovrebbe funzionare.

Che ne dite di fecola di patate e uova?

Esiste anche la panna montata vegetale.
Beh, mio figlio ha respirato la torta e ora può mettersi a dieta 🤭

Si, la fecola di patate e le uova, nessuna allergia grazie a Dio.
Tuo figlio deve fare la dieta? Mi spiace, speriamo non sia grave.


See the way I just salivated after seeing the cake.. I have always wanted to learn a different type of cake making apart from the normal one I learnt from catering school..

I will definitely resteem this post, so I can make reference to it in the future..

You are the most allround entertaining man I know 😍
If you bake this you can fill it with marmekade (do so to keep the cake soft and juicy, you can add small peaces of fruit, mango will be great).

If you have no whipped cream use a butter cream and decorate with different types of fruits on top: tangerine, mango, slices banana, kiwi or whatever you have. If you have a piece of chocolate you can use a knife to grate.

By the way this cake is the basis for wedding cakes. It's baked days earlier since decorating can take already a few days.

Of course you can bake it in a different pan or on a griddle. After baking (10-14 minites) you can cut it in 3 parts and use them for layers.

Let me know which one you learned!

Good luck and happy baking.

Ooohmygaaawd!!!! That looks soooo tasty @wakeupkitty and not overly complicated either... though I don't have much faith in myself as a baker, lol - the only thing I have every successfully baked now are sourdough bread and box cake haha!

Is the jam apricot?!
My favourite!!!! :D

If you can bake that you can bake this. It's easy peasy way easier and faster than bread.
You can also divide the dough into two molds. It doesn't matter if the baking result doesn't look too good since it's all covered with whipped cream.

My jam is apricot with plums but you can use strawberry or whatever you like. Risehios has a great taste too.

Give it a try, it's so easy.


So the whipped cream hides all the sins hey @wakeupkitty haha!!! Sounds good to me! lol.

My jam is apricot with plums

Oooooh that sounds delicious!!!

The cake looks very delicious. You're so clever at making cakes, I'm drooling and want to eat them😋

You can do it too, it's not hard. You can start with a small one to try it out.

Goid luck dear, this one is for you.



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Thank you very much!
A great day to you.

I love the presentation of your post, the recipe is simple, my aunts baked cakes and sold them, I watched and ate hahahaha, I'm a bit of a lazy for cooking, I admit.
I wish you a happy day and congratulate you on this post , vety cute .

I am lazy too. For me I would not cook or bake. I don't each much so it's only extra work and I don't like doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen.

This post was a lot of work, mainly because of all the codes ☹️

It's good to hear you liked it.

A great evening/day to you.

Hmm yummy 😋. This is absolutely amazing, the last picture said it all, I just wish I can have a bite 😎😁. It will surely make me smarter.

Excellent work. Keep it up.

I keep you in mind, don't worry. Such a pity I can't give you one. Who knows one day.

Alright 👍 that day shall come ✅🙏