The work of repairing the unpaved roads has started again.(958 Days)

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago

Mobile Photograhy

Hello friends how are you Pawan has again started the work of his kutcha roads in which this time he has taken the path of many farms that road is getting damaged a lot which he is trying to repair The government has also given some money so he has brought some labourers with him who have decided to see the place before starting the work Unpaved roads are always filled with donkeys. It is beneficial for farmers to make good roads by leveling them. Therefore, the government is trying its best to ensure that farmers get all kinds of benefits.

First of all we treated the soil around the Chak road and tried to level it by removing the grass growing in the middle. In this we deployed 7 workers on one side of the road in which Pawan was the main worker.He is also working on a road where pictures of all the workers can be seen together. Whenever the wages can be received, the money for this work comes after 7 to 14 days, but Pawan pays from his side. He gives money to all the workers together because with this they can do their work easily.Then Pawan goes to a village where Bricks are also placed on the unpaved road, this makes the work even more difficult because to repair the road we will need other tools in which our formula will not work with these tools, so I bought some machines So that they can do that work easily, if for some reason more soil is required on the Chak Road, then we have kept tractor trolleys as per the requirement, they can lift the soil and go there to level the road. There are still many paths left which will take a week to complete. I have taken some pictures which I am presenting before you.


Photos captured by@ahlawat
Camera Devicenothing
CategoryNature, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Birds
EditedCaptured one
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