The Art of Sand - A Visual Story Part 3 (14 Photos)
Coming back to this visual story, here we go with 3rd part. But this sun finally got through the clouds and gave some nice warm color effect, so finished with different color grading approach
And the story behind
An evening walkaway at perfect sandy beach of Curonian Spit, Lithuania could bring you not only some perfect sunset shots, but possibility to look around for some other subjects and compositions. This time having with me travel camera with long tele-photo lens allowing some pretty close macro shots, I got into exploring some nice sand patterns as well as all this variety of different subjects you can actually find at the beach - stones, seashells, feathers and so on...
Enjoy the closer views!
Category | Nature |
Camera | Canon 7D Mark II / Tamron 16-300mm / Natural light |

You can buy my works in hi-resolution digital format

Very nice work really enjoyed that 👍🏾
Very excellent looking with creative work
Impressive, that is a great story you said about how the sun got through the cloud and gave some tremendous warm colorful effect to the earth surface.
holy cow this is an amazing observation!!!!
если на Марсе всё красное (как утверждает НАСА), ...ну, тогда это Венера :)