RE: Announcing HodlerFolio - Easily track your cryptcurrency portfolio; single HTML file, no tracking you!
Wow, that looks fancy! I could add those features and may end up doing that. #4 though, wow, calculate your "taxes", ha ha. In real terms, what that means is some pedophile politician scribbled on paper that the government gang has a right to STEAL a portion of any profits you make, and if you don't pay the gang (because they wrote it down on paper), they will steal more from you; if you resist that theft, they will put you in a cage.. if you resist the caging, they will murder you. Hodler Folio already calculates how much anyone has the right to steal from any profits you make... ZERO. NO ONE HAS A RIGHT TO STEAL MONEY FROM YOU.
As for #1, yes that's on the todo list, #2 would be nice to have also, #3 not sure what that means, and #5 that is on the todo list also. #4... REALLY? That's a feature? Crypto currency came about so that we can trade with each other without some looter gang of criminals (governments), stealing a portion of every trade; if you are going to pay theft on it, you may as well just use their fiat Federal Reserve USD toilet paper.. why use crypto at all?