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RE: Humming Birds and Sugar Cane ON THE HOMESTEAD

in #homesteading8 years ago

If you have a bit of space for a large sized pot or even a small space of dirt in front of your porch, plant some morning glories or some foxtails or other equally pretty flowers. You'll attract a lot more hummingbirds and not have to fill a feeder or clean one. We have a large number of hummingbirds visit us year round (tropical country). They have become so used to us being around that they come and visit my husband while he is having coffee on the porch. We have found several hummingbird nests in our hedge. They have been using the hair that our dogs shed to build them.


Very cool! We are going to up the landscaping efforts on our homestead in the coming years. We have spent so much time on infrastructure that beautification and landscaping haven't really developed here yet.

I get that. Somethings are more important than pretty flowers. The first years we didn't do any landscaping. Now we are starting to add a few things. Before we were adding trees and plants and creating an edible forest.