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RE: IFC finals - Second Round: Truth is Stranger than Fiction

in #ifc6 years ago

I liked reading the story about how you became aware of the conspiracy theory world! I feel like my journey was sort of similar..

Tuskegee was pretty gnarly.. Man.. It's crazy learning some of these things and realizing it really happened and isn't just a story.

Alot to cover here, Cointelpro, fbi discrediting MLK. Jr.. Imagine saying that in 2000, most would say you're crazy!

Indeed, that's a good point.. Things have changed quite a bit. Though the conspiracy theorist stigma is still pretty strong even though so much incriminating evidence has come out. It is rather interesting..

I'm not totally sure if the Free Masons are at the top or not as I don't know who is at the top, but I tend to agree with your sentiments here.. I personally think whoever is at the "top" tends to change its skin every so many years sort of like a snake.. And they make a new name and group, and the old one continues for a while thinking it's still mostly in power, even though the true rulers have already moved on to the next project.
But.. Once again.. I don't know, I admit I don't know.. It's just a theory.

I see in your next part about the NWO that you are open minded to the Masons being at the top as well, so I think we're probably in similar agreement there.. Who knows what "name" they identify with, or who exactly all of them are, but.. I think we can definitely point to some shady individuals and there's enough evidence to paint a picture of.. SOME of the power structure, though definitely much of it remains unknown and hidden/occulted.

I wonder if some day we will ever get a better balance with this secret world, or if maybe it'll just get worse.. I have to hope it'll get better as I see it as one of our main hurdles to address as a species.. The overwhelming secrecy I think has been harmful for our development, these days it's just everywhere.. So much is hidden so many people don't even look either, cause a lot of it can be discovered if you do look.. Which is one of the things that pains me, even with the internet we still seem so.. Unaware and apathetic or worse.

The very end part made me laugh. I would probably say something similar! Haha.
Great entry man! Especially when it seems like you were kinda rushed. Unfortunately.. I voted for your opponent this round, she had a really long and detailed and in depth article that it looks like she spent a lot of time on and I felt like I vibed with it a little bit more than yours, also this doesn't mean you've lost.. The other judges might still vote for you and you might win.. But.. As much as I wanted to see you win the whole thing, I just felt like I liked her entry more this time.. And I wanted to let you know since this is the finals and you might not advance to the next round..

If you don't make it to the next round, thank you so much for playing and it's been a pleasure having you play in the IFC this season! You've been one of my favorite players on here for sure! I had no idea that day I said hi to you that you would end up joining our game and make it this far!

I've really enjoyed getting to know you and I feel like we have similar ideas about a lot of things. And.. If you do not advance to the next round, or if you do.. Either way.. I hope you will consider playing again next season or being a part of the community in some way. :) Thanks so much for playing and good luck either way whatever happens!