IFC finals - Second Round: Truth is Stranger than Fiction

in #ifc6 years ago

This post is an entry for the Information Finding Championship hosted by @apolymask.
It is the finals, and for the second round of the finals, we are talking about conspiracy theories! More infor about @ifc and this round can be found here!! My title is a Bad Religion reference btw, great band!

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My Entry

Conspiracy theories! Gotta dig back in my brain to see what I believe and what I don't. In middle school when I was a good church boy, I ate up theories about the anti-christ and 666 micro chips, trying to relate things back to the bible. That was kinda the start for me, other people in my church thought I was kinda crazy. I left the church though, but I still had a few theories. I'll start with a history of how I got woke, move onto things that have been true, then get into theories I do and don't believe.

My History

Let's start with Feemasons for example, I thought they were basically what we would call the Illuminati. Historically speaking the Illuminati was disbanded a long time ago, but Masons are here and well, right. So, I wrote a paper about them my freshman year of HS. Little did I know, my teacher was a Mason. He said half my sources were not good, I changed my paper up, then he gave me a zero (didn't even give my 10 points for my name). I'm not gonna say cover-up,I just don't think he liked me calling his boy's club higher ups Satanist lol

Oh, also during my freshman year, I got bored after finishing my homework on the computer. I just watched 'Little Nicky' for like the fifth time. Noticing I could print to any computer in the city,I had a brilliant idea. I would print the lines, "I command you in the name of Lucifer, to spread the blood of the innocent!" In dark red Gothic font ink,to my elementary school's computer lab 666 times.

I got called in the office next week, and they told me they can imprison me for domestic terrorism because they suspect me of a premeditated shooting. Thank god my parents talked the school out of it. So, patriot act is a thing that can affect anyone. Also, I couldn't touch a comouter in the school for months afterwords lol

After that, I got involved with Anonymous and learned how to keep myself safe on the internet. I watched what I did online though for the longest time and just watched the movements unfold from Occupy to OpEgypt. Good times to be alive 😁

Around this time the game Assassin's Creed came out, and holy shit did i eat it up! It was all about Freemasons and how they spread. I looked it up through the third game, the "Templars" were real-life Masons. Now, the games have just gone on too long, and I got to busy to keep up with them.

Enter end of HS, I became a Libertarian and believe central banks are owned by the .01% and control the world money. I'll get more into that in a minute.

Also, I took Honors British Literature and we read 1984. That really hit home as we compared it to life in 2011. If I ever get the chance, I wanna teach that novel, for sure! If you look at the US, and even north and South Korea,it is like they based their governments around this novel 😅

Before I get into what other things I believe to this day, I wanna hit you with some actual Conspiracy facts. Prepare to be woke, ya'll!

Conspiracy Theories that were true

Tuskegee was something we covered when I was in College. Now whenever we want to do research we have processes we have to go through. These include submitting proposed studies and test ideas to the ASA (American Sociological Association) for review and the okay following the code of ethics more info here :

  • Professional Competence
  • Integrity
  • Professional and Scientific Responsibility
  • Respect for People’s Rights, Dignity, and Diversity
  • Social Responsibility
  • Human Rights

Before Tuskegee there was another moral dilemma of do we take the research that Nazis obtained from their inhuman research? We will come back to this vein of thought in a minute.

More Conspiracy Facts

Alot to cover here, Cointelpro, fbi discrediting MLK. Jr.. Imagine saying that in 2000, most would say you're crazy!

Operation Northwoods and Tonka Bay, along with 40 other false flags, damn. I'm conflicted on 9/11 theories, but this for sure adds to the paranoia and why the government would do it along with why we got involved in the gulf war.

Fun fact, did you know that General MacArthur wanted to drop 42 Nukes along the North Korean border when he pushed them up? Yeah, congress disapproved of the idea. Then, in 2014 we wanted to pull a Seal team 6 style invasion to kill all of the Kim family, but stopped because they had working nukes and could have ended in WWIII? Okay, fun facts aside...

Paperclip, yup back to that moral dilemma. We not only used some of the research, link here. We also took their scientists, damn. So say what you will, we will take Nazi scientist to America for our benefit and because....commies.

Now, I could keep going about these, but I will cut it off here and move onto another topic, popular theories I dont believe.

These I don't believe but others do


I don't understand the logic of this one. Why would a government, domestic or foreign spray deadly chemicals in the air? It is going to affect everyone for the worse. It is like when a bar has an open smoking section. The smoke will come to the non-smoking air 😑

Fluoride Water

Same idea as chem-trails, would do more harm than good to poison a population like this. Plus, you have small governments that take care of the water not the feds. So, it would have to be highly coordinated from the top leaders to Joe Shmo the mayor, to scientist, to private busninesses.


I used to believe they were in charge of everything, pulling strings. However, in recent years I've met Masons and they are just a boy's club for men thay drink , golf, and help each other out. Could their be corporation associated with then higher up? Possibly but nothing unlike what is already around us.

Things I do believe

NWO (New World Order)

I do believe this is in the works. Maybe Illuminati, maybe the Masons, maybe just businesses, maybe Aliens. Whoever is behind it, I do believe there are weathly families that wanna control the world. It is just logical to me. You have a business that forms a monopoly during the industrial age, you are not gonna give up that kind of power. Your standard business man wants more money, so why not buy the world if you can?

This goes into the Federal reserve. It is not federally owned, it is a private bank (literally a dime a dozen a video on this theory). A private bank that controls the money supply. I'm no economists, so it makes me struggle with this part, because I understand its purpose. However; it seems totally sketchy,and if they don't have anything to hide, then why can't they be transparent and audited? It would be like opening Fort Knox and finding no gold, is that the illusion they wanna maintain?

Maybe if these people control bitcoin, they will link it to chips, and we are officially boned 🤔

Government Spying on us

Already covered this, we know Snowden, we know the government took a page (or 2) from 1984. Cointelpro, propaganda, the red scare, patriot act, should I go on?

Government Hiding Secrets and False flags

Well, da owe! It is obvious they have false flags all the time. Ooooh remember Kony 2012!? Yeah, that false flag to get us involved in Uganda? Actually talked to someone in Uganda and she straight up told me he was active 20 years ago and doesn't know why Americans are making a deal of it now.

Also, possibly aliens. I've seen UFOs close enough to make its color and shape. Do I think it was military? I don't really think so. If we had that tech, we would be far out on Mars now. I've talked to friends in the Airforce and they assure me it had to be an Alien, the US is no where near faster than sound travel without breaking thr sound barrier like I described.

How to deal with it?

Aside from locking yourself in your basement watching Youtube videos and tells normies to 'get woke.' What you can do, is be active and safe. Run a VPN (virtual private network) and Tor browser to keep as anonymous as possible on the web.

Be active by protesting your government or businesses who's practices you don't agree with! It is the best way in my opinion. Vote with your wallet. You probaboly hear this time and time again, but it is true. If you don't like a business, don't buy their products. A film that really got me woke was Ethos. I highly recommend this film for anyone that questions the US.

Well, that about does it for my thoughts on conspiracy theories, I hope you all found this interesting. It was nice to hash out some of these things years later. Because lately,I haven't really concerned myself with this ideas and just live my normal sheepy life. When really,I became a teacher to teach students to think critically and question their government.

Full Disclaimer/ Something that Annoys me: I got my job through the US Department of Education on a Fulbright. Technically I work through the government, but not for. People in America take that as, I must have some inside knowledge about North Korea, I do not. I have been to the Embassy, I have met people that work there, I know nothing more than anyone else 😂 I go back home today, and I am not looking forward to getting asked about North Korea every other day 😑 just stop. Thanks 😁

I tend to write about life in Korea as a foreigner, food, photos from trips, and things teaching related. If that interest you and you like this post, please give me a vote and follow
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Until then,
Ride on!



The doc ethos was great! everyone should most definitely watch it.

haha the last bit made me laugh! Seems like you got a lot of knowledge and back history with all this! Good luck in the finals :)

I have been to the Embassy, I have met people that work there, I know nothing more than anyone else

Classic symptoms of denial. Obscuration hide the real truth in minor truths.

I still think the templars became the Huguenots but there really is no way to verify it. Templars disappear and they appear. So just my own thoughts on them. Oh and BTW - - Just kidding about above.

So u use vpn's all the time? I mean, what's the worst that can happen if they get all the info abt us? Will we go to hell for it? 😅

And why print those in all the printers? 🤔 Oh wait, I think I saw Little Nicky one time. Lol

Haha! The last disclaimer is hilarious! Or are you throwing us off the trail? However, it was an interesting list of what you believe and what you don't, do you know why you would believe in one thing and not the other?

Best of luck for the round!

great entry! good luck

Very well written, @mr-bike :) I'm going to have to watch the Ethos doc.

I liked reading the story about how you became aware of the conspiracy theory world! I feel like my journey was sort of similar..

Tuskegee was pretty gnarly.. Man.. It's crazy learning some of these things and realizing it really happened and isn't just a story.

Alot to cover here, Cointelpro, fbi discrediting MLK. Jr.. Imagine saying that in 2000, most would say you're crazy!

Indeed, that's a good point.. Things have changed quite a bit. Though the conspiracy theorist stigma is still pretty strong even though so much incriminating evidence has come out. It is rather interesting..

I'm not totally sure if the Free Masons are at the top or not as I don't know who is at the top, but I tend to agree with your sentiments here.. I personally think whoever is at the "top" tends to change its skin every so many years sort of like a snake.. And they make a new name and group, and the old one continues for a while thinking it's still mostly in power, even though the true rulers have already moved on to the next project.
But.. Once again.. I don't know, I admit I don't know.. It's just a theory.

I see in your next part about the NWO that you are open minded to the Masons being at the top as well, so I think we're probably in similar agreement there.. Who knows what "name" they identify with, or who exactly all of them are, but.. I think we can definitely point to some shady individuals and there's enough evidence to paint a picture of.. SOME of the power structure, though definitely much of it remains unknown and hidden/occulted.

I wonder if some day we will ever get a better balance with this secret world, or if maybe it'll just get worse.. I have to hope it'll get better as I see it as one of our main hurdles to address as a species.. The overwhelming secrecy I think has been harmful for our development, these days it's just everywhere.. So much is hidden so many people don't even look either, cause a lot of it can be discovered if you do look.. Which is one of the things that pains me, even with the internet we still seem so.. Unaware and apathetic or worse.

The very end part made me laugh. I would probably say something similar! Haha.
Great entry man! Especially when it seems like you were kinda rushed. Unfortunately.. I voted for your opponent this round, she had a really long and detailed and in depth article that it looks like she spent a lot of time on and I felt like I vibed with it a little bit more than yours, also this doesn't mean you've lost.. The other judges might still vote for you and you might win.. But.. As much as I wanted to see you win the whole thing, I just felt like I liked her entry more this time.. And I wanted to let you know since this is the finals and you might not advance to the next round..

If you don't make it to the next round, thank you so much for playing and it's been a pleasure having you play in the IFC this season! You've been one of my favorite players on here for sure! I had no idea that day I said hi to you that you would end up joining our game and make it this far!

I've really enjoyed getting to know you and I feel like we have similar ideas about a lot of things. And.. If you do not advance to the next round, or if you do.. Either way.. I hope you will consider playing again next season or being a part of the community in some way. :) Thanks so much for playing and good luck either way whatever happens!

When you go back to the Metal Gears series, you will never think it's a video game again.

The Lucifer message you printed got me laughing :D

Lots of interesting stuff. That 666 thing had been talked about when we were kids and there were different interpretations of it what it does really mean or who/what it pertains to.

We should be careful with what we believe and we should not be easily fooled by what we read and see online especially now that it is easy to falsify information. Even most news are not true. Paranoia is high! lol!