I Am That
It isn't a place I can easily access, but I've had moments of effortless knowing, that who I am – my most essential, spiritual self – cannot be measured nor defined using language created by the human mind.
Beneath the incessant need to analyze and understand – between the disjointed ideas and tangled emotions – below the ceaseless buzz of my logical mind, lies a pristine, untouchable stillness – an enveloping silence – a universal energy that cannot be tarnished nor destroyed.
Sometimes, I remember – it is only the surface that shifts and strives and strains. At my core, nothing moves – nothing wants – nothing is lacking...a perfectly empty nothingness full of possibility; the beginning of all that is.
Ballpoint pen, mostly continuous line – sketched while traveling somewhere in India in 2010.
Simple truth. Yes, we are that.
Followed and resteemed.
Thank you @indigoocean. :) tip!
Hi @indigoocean! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @zipporah!
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Your reflection reminds me of this quote by Sri Maharaj, "wisdom tells me I am nothing, love tells me I am everything, and between the two my life flows." If you ever get the chance I really recommend reading his book "I Am That"...I think (based on this post and how I think you perceive this world) you will get a lot out of it <3
Thank you @Zameena-zen! <3
I read 'I Am That' whilst in Kathmandu, several months after sketching this. Talk about a heavy read! Worth it, but WOW. One must be deeply present while taking in those words. I had to read many pages several times.
Wow! the image summed your words before i even read them. there is something very organic about it (not just the fact that its an image of a person) but that it looks like a cell, with a thin membrane, and a buzzing ecosystem of even smaller organisms - your ideas and thoughts - chaotic but evenly spaced... <3
That was precisely the idea – our minds are sort of their own entity, often outside of our ability to control. Learning how to tame them is a lifelong task, I think! love you! • tip!
Hi @ankapolo! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @zipporah!
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I know this feeling
Amazing illustration too
Thank you, dear. :)
Beautiful, @zipporah... Both the drawing and words. Visual and lyrical wisdom... Thanks for sharing those <3
Grateful to know you appreciate it @zyx066. <3
The design remind me of different neurons inside a brain reacting to a thought of self expression. Possibly even, Who are we? The incredible thought provoking neuron responding question that I like to search every day high and low to find the answer. Thanks for sharing with us. Excellent work!
Awesome reflection @gray00 – it does resemble some kind of energetic flow amongst neurons. ;)
Life, I'm sure, is an endless movement towards the answer – whatever that may be for each of us.
An illustration is an example or a story which is used to make a point clear... what you did you in your drawing... great job....
Thank you! :)
Ohh we are indeed the space in between thoughts
I love the prose and idea together with the image.
Thank you @maverickinvictus. It's hard to remember that though, isn't it? tip!
Hi @maverickinvictus! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @zipporah!
@tipU voting service | For investors.
so ham
That means „I am“!
Just be
In the moment!
Great post!!!!
So true.
You are not your thoughts!!!
I love this @akashas. :) Thank you for sharing! tip!
Hi @akashas! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @zipporah!
@tipU voting service | For investors.
Well that is something isnt it. Amazing work. I think this could work amazing as a sculpture of some kind. Yeah, a wire sculpture.
Ohhh...that would be awesome! I did once fantasize about making it into a huge art installation at BM – that people could climb into and ponder. :) Maybe someday. tip!
Hi @silentscreamer! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @zipporah!
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