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RE: American Legislative Exchange Council. A perfect marriage of corporation and state.

In the Philippines, it's so obvious that the media favour a particular political party. For example, in the current administration, reports of extrajudicial killing have penetrated the local and international news, because the media sensationalised all these murders and they blame it on President Duterte. Whereas, during previous term under a different president, how rampant the industry of illegal drugs was unheard of. We have only been finding out about this report when Duterte succeeded the presidency. He is the only one who is brave enough to fight against corruption in the government and to have this war against drugs.

I know that it's out of topic of @tawasi's post, but I am just sharing my views based on your comment @inspiredgideon1 with regard to media trying to making things light in your country.


It's all about selfish reasons that such things are allowed and no one is able to say anything about it. Even the judiciary have being bought over and there seem no one is standing for the truth any longer.

They don't say anything or stand up for the truth because they're afraid they will lose their influence or favour from their political party, higher ups, etc.