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RE: American Legislative Exchange Council. A perfect marriage of corporation and state.

The media pushes their own agenda instead of investigative journalism. I completely agree. It’s irritating and one of the reason we cut the cord and don’t watch tv anymore is because i get more news from twitter and steem than i do from media stations.


Me too - I stopped watching TV in 2012, and I've never missed it. Occasionally I take a look at BBC Online. It's funny - when I wrote that reply, I'd just had a quick look at BBC Online and there was a story about a murdered Russian dissident journalist. I thought "Here we go - more anti-Putin propaganda".
I had another look at BBC Online this evening, and the latest headline is that the "murdered journalist" walked into a press conference, and Ukraine admitted that they had staged the "murder"! The mainstream news is becoming increasingly bizarre. It's almost like a Monty Python comedy.

HAHAHA I read that storyline as well. Kinda freaky! I "read" they didn't even tell his wife which is brutal! I am going to start looking at BBC online then...if you gav eup the cord 4 years before me it must still be "alright" hehe

Yes it's a mad old world! I'm not recommending BBC Online - I sometimes listen to BBC music stations (I always turn off the news when it comes on), and if there's some music played that I want to identify, I go to BBC Online to check their listings. I can't avoid looking at the "news" on the front page! That's my excuse for looking at it!

Lol I got you!..My main source of news right now is Twitter. It is the fastest quickest best source of news in my opinion. However! they have begun to censor tweets which I think is complete bogus and honestly have noticed my followers being stuck around 720 for over 6 months....fake news everywhere except the blockchain!

I started actively using Twitter around 2012/13, and it changed my whole way of thinking - I was getting news directly from people all over the world who all had different perspectives to the mainstream propaganda. But I think it's become corporatised and a shadow of what it was.
Steemit is the place to be now. Let's hope it doesn't go down the corporate establishment plughole.

I am seeing steemit as becoming a complete platform and circle combining Instagram, Twitter, Medium, Pintrest, Reddit, and News all in one single place.....the developers just have to step up the damn game here!!!

Oh, I hope so!

Well it's essentially how smts were sold to us as a concept.

This whole thing is mess. Their lack of organization with the news I feel has been putting serious kinks in the timeline of this impending 'pop'/boom that will cause world war. I can't believe Israel is slaughtering hundreds in a massacre event on the Gaza strip and its virtually been blacked out on the media. Its a sad time for the world. Where will the next massacre happen?

It is absolutely bizaree how the "media" essentially controls every story that is or is not allowed to essentially be shared with the public. There is major news every single day that is shunned away or disregarded because we are reporting about the President and the Porn Star. The massacre on the Gaza strip is absolutely gross that it is getting zero media coverage and like it has never happened. I honestly forgot about that happening until you just mentioned annoying

@natubat, What tv news channel can you recommend me to watch that you think is reliable and no bias at all? Or, are all media the same?

I stopped watching TV six years ago, so I can't recommend any TV news channels. Most mainstream news channels get their info from news agencies like the Press Association and Reuters. I think they are all much the same. Sometimes I have a quick look at what the BBC news is covering, but if I'm interested in a story I do a bit of online research. I never take it at face value. I pay much more attention to reliable independent sources like the Corbett Report. Even so, I don't go along 100 percent with everything James Corbett says - I always try to have an open mind.

Thank you for your inputs. I appreciated it. Well, almost everything has got to do with power, position in the government and money. You could not even tell now who does right and with good intention for citizens. Sad reality.