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RE: American Legislative Exchange Council. A perfect marriage of corporation and state.

I as well continue to show up at every election, the people will win and it has already been seen in America the movement that can be made if people begin to “rise up” and actually get off their ass and have a voice.


Yes! This new movement involving the younger generations is just what we need. Its a beautiful thing! Makes me a little more optimistic about the future... All the old money just needs to die out. Them assholes live for ever!

A little under 60% of Americans voted last federal election which is impressive. However,


#'s are essentially the same for young voters. The voters 62 and older did drop by 1%
But I found this pretty interesting! Off topic, I know...


True... THey have realized they have a voice and it can be heard if they scream loud enough. Now they just need to realize they can make an actual difference if they show up and vote! A lot of them are reaching the age where they can, hopefully they do! As for the white women... Ill gladly label myself Puerto Rican (which I am, even though my Polish side shows more) with that stat! Freakin white women....... LOL

Puerto Rico is a beautiful place like your family!

Why thank you! One day Im going to visit my home land! One day...