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RE: American Legislative Exchange Council. A perfect marriage of corporation and state.

in #informationwar6 years ago

The oil tycoons have much wealth and power by being some of the most corrupt scammers ever. Their first scam was calling it fossil fuel. The next biggest was the fake shortages of the 70s. And the oil for USD deals they made with OPEC. If you've never heard of Lindsey Williams, you might like the info from my post about the oil industry among other things... America has an abundance of petroleum and natural gas, yet here it is summer when people want to travel and up go the gas prices due to fake shortages again.

  • Dirty rotten scoundrels...

Exactly! Its funny how we always end up with a shortage right around the time people want to travel... Dirty rotten scoundrels indeed!

It is funny that you bring up the tycoons and OPEC. The price of oil is the biggest manipulated commodity I have ever seen in trading. It is crazy how they hide supply and demand to the rest of the world

They are milking us dry...

You mean supply and demand? Increase price when everyone travels. Everyone is doing it, to capitalism!!

Are you saying the price of oil barrels should correlate to the price of gas at the pump?

Oil should go away. Same for coal.

Well lets not forget the American medical lobbists and how they influence our government way more than oil with 2x more funding to our politicians than the oil industry.

Yes, that's true. Isn't it amazing we allowed the "government" to take over 1/6 of our economy by pushing through ObamaCare?

  • The energy sector is only about 1/2 the size of the health care industry...
    So your 2x more is probably right on target.