#Inktober 2018 Week 1 by enternamehere

Inktober has finally arrived again! Yay!

Here are my fast and dirty #inktober-2018 drawings from week 1. Conveniently condensed. Short and sweet. Straight to the point.

(As I've already mentioned to some of you, my family experienced an unexpected death last week due to a severe auto accident. The deceased was under a lot of emotional duress prior to the accident, so in some ways we are thankful his soul has found peace.)

Thankfully, I was able to whip up a few quick scribbles to participate in this annual free-for-all that is Jake Parker's #Inktober. And even better, I carved out a bit of time to share them in this post. Okay, without further ado, here they are:


Day 1: Poisonous

The apple. It's cliché, maybe, but it still works!



Day 2: Tranquil

Take a nap with me under the tranquil tree.



Day 3: Roasted

Each of these fine fellows has been roasted on Comedy Central's "Roast of" series



Day 4: Spell

Magical tentacles casting a spell... Sure, why not?



Day 5: Chicken

Shout out to my steemian @ddschteinn in this avatar fan art



Day 6: Drooling

Some version of a drooling Frankenstein-type



Day 7: Exhausted

Reminds me of traveling through a mountain pass in a way.



And there you have it. Week 1 is gone with the wind, baby!
Drop us a line below, but only if you feel like it.


The most recent ENH posts:

◆ Pizza Night in Addison, TX at Taste of Chicago
◆ Summer 2018 Sketches and Poem by enternamehere
◆ A Week in Pictures | Mid September 2018 in DFW
◆ Pizza Night: Anthony’s Eatalian, Dallas, TX
◆ A Week in Pictures | Early September in DFW

Thank you all for your excellence and awesomeness


Hello and a howdy do from the PNW. I'm hoping you are still getting comments and such on here. And all is well in life. Miss your artsy countenance on the site, and all the fun we had over the years. I was just wondering if I might use this image you drew of Mr. Chicken on my site? Not sure how I'd get it. Trying to figure that out. It would be fun to put him on now and then, or at the end of my Posts. Either way, whatever works, let me know if you get this. Well, hope this finds you well and happy in the big land down yonder. Cheers my friend, and have a nice weekend. DD

I'm so late to this response, please excuse me! That's so kind of you to take time to leave your comment. I was thinking about Stinky the other day for some reason, just out of the blue. Sorry I've been absent so many moons. I had a lot of life changes occur and I really didn't have an easy way to be active on Steemit like I used to be. So I stepped aside for a while. Now that I've reactivated, I see many others made a similar choice. So apparently this is somewhat normal behavior for Steemians, not to worry. As for Mr. Chicken, if you still want to use that picture, yes of course please use it. I will search my files for you and let you know what I find. Thanks for all the support and such. See you around soon!

No excusing necessary. It's just so nice to hear from you once again. So many of my friends on Steemit have left. Which I understand is normal in the sphere of the things of life, but it still stings when someone disappears into the ether. Then again, I've been gone for awhile now too. So who can talk. But there are only a few die-hards from the start that are still around, like @old-guy-photos, @blacklux, @generikat and a few others. Where DO they get the EverReady energies from?

I find it necessary to take a break now and then, as it takes a LOT of time and energy writing and curating and commenting and voting and the like. Need a break now and then, and life certainly can get in the way too. I had major knee surgery this last fall, so sitting around on my chair like a large, immobile can of beets was not an option. I do miss it...and yet and how I'd like to have a piece of cake for every time I watched the sun rise after staying up all night at the keyboard, clacking away like a mad barnyard boid, finishing up a cooking post or some other such, before it is due. Ah, the joy, of the creative process. Yes, I do miss it. So much to say, so little time to sit down at the odd keyboard and write it.

Speaking of birds, thanks for the use of Mr. Chickenscratch. I will see if I can copy it. If not, we can figure something out. It will add a bit of pizaaz and paazzing to my site. Such a grand fellow he is. (I tried to copy it, need to check and see if I can make it smaller, etc. May need to find the original, then again, if you are like me, good luck on that one...( :

Well, I hope to see you back doing your artsy thing on Steemit soon. The site has changed a bit, but is still the place to be, for one like me. Yowza, I'm a poet, and don't even knowit. My feet are size 12, they must be Longfellows" I've been wanting to use that since I heard it when I was about 6 years old. See, Steemit delivers!
Well, cheerios, my friend, I hope this finds you happy and healthy, and being your creative, funny self, and hope to see you about on the site soon. Take care and keep smiling at the world as it goes on by.

I have FOUND him! Here, hopefully this is usable for you. Let me know if it's not suitable and I'll see what I can do to alter it for your use:


Did Rodney Dangerfield use that one? It got a lol out of me, regardless of who it was. Nicely done there. Major knee surgery, that sounds terrible from this side of the fence. I mean, obviously you are okay, but it seems harrowing! But considering your past life profession you're probably accustomed to what most people would consider agonizing. Wow, those names take me back. It's so awesome (and maybe surreal at times) to think of all the social connections we as a community have made here over the years. I can only imagine what it was like at the different steem fests and meet ups from the earlier days. Anyway, that energy you mentioned, it's something else isn't it? To be a "proper" blogger takes a lot of it (for those of us who don't take the shortcuts or use life hacks). I'll be around, participating on the steem blockchain around my life-schedule. Of course I'm still watching the recent events unfold, along with practically everyone else. Interesting days we're in, huh? Good to hear from you, and that all's well-as can be. :) See you around!

Not sure where that came from originally, if there ever IS a true "originally"....
Thanks for Mr. Chickenscratch. I'll see how he works in copy and messing about with. SOME day I will get to my post on beavers, and still may want you to draw a skull for me. More on that when I get to it, ifnwhen I ever do. Ah, the well-laid plans of mice, chickens and we humans.
My knee is a bit of an ordeal, but getting SLOWLY better. Takes a year or so, supposedly. Maybe it IS good I beat the stuffins out of my body over the years in the woods. Now normal life seems a bit easier....
At least now I'm back on here a bit more, and fully enjoying it. Though as you say, many new things to figure out. Communities and such. I am such a clueless compu-putz. Cheers, and see you around the Steemit fountain

Beavers? Okay, sounds like the ddschteinn I remember. Yes, I'll take on any requests you can come up with in the visual arts domain. Wooww! A whole year of recovery, that's intense. Hope you continue to heal and improve. Hey, don't feel too bad, I went to actual college to get a piece of paper that proves I know about computers, and I'm there in the same boat as you. Yes indeed, you will see me around the good old ("old" means "new") Steemit fountain!

Why write about anything normal? That's my motto, I fear. But that one should be a fun one, even if I do say so myself, when I get to it. I've been gathering photos for it, slowly. Hard to just go out and find trees that beavers have cut down, when you want to. Get busy with it, bucktoothed treeeaters. I will let you know when I get closer. Plus the Schteinn School of the Sophisticated Sciences has to have someone to work on the final treatise.

I had a whole new knee joint put in, so it's pretty major. Too much basketball and working in the woods. Took a serious toll. It was a hard decision, but got it done, since I had good insurance for awhile, and got tired of it not working well anymore. Though I'm a bit younger than many, to have it done. Stressful decision, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Cheerio(s)

PS. And I'm sure you mind and therefor fingers could run circles around my paltry computer skills. Just enough to get by, I always says. Though I do consider these things more of a tool to get something done, than a thing I want to mess with trying to figure out. Drives me batty when they don't work according to plan. Like an 18v olt Dewalt compact driver. Just get the screw in the wood, Mac, just get it where it belongs...
(Yowza, I sure am chatty today. Must be Saturday)

Normies, pshh. Can't live with 'em... you know the rest :)
Not many beavers here around this parts, well not so far as I am aware. I know there is or was (?) a population because I have seen exactly one tree that had been distinctively beaver-toppled. The strange part is the tree was next to a very small pond with no other continual water access nearby. East Texas is significantly wetter, generally than North Texas and I bet there are plenty of 'them varmints' over yonder. Anyhow, I'm still up for helping however I may via art contribution.

Hands have got to win an all time best tool award for versatility and utility. DeWalt's impact driver is another one of those -->handy<-- tools. I use one at work quite frequently. It works very, very well for getting screws out of equipment, along with other time-saving tasks. Your comment found my bias! Yes, Cheerios and toodle-oohs. Pips.

I know the feeling! I took almost 2 month break from posting and still not feeling like posting everyday. I still try to come everyday to curate but not always say hi... feeling lazy, maybe anti-social ahahah but is always good to see some of my friends still here cause like you said many of them have left. Always good to read ya DD!

Sorry to hear of your tragedy :(

Nice inktober sketches, combining a week into one post wasn't a bad idea especially if it's easier on your posting times than one a day :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your sympathy, losing our loved ones is never easy.

And thanks for checking out the inkiness!

Kudos to you for keeping up with your creative projects! Your work continues to delight and impress.

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

Thank you for keeping me on your radar and for your kind sentiment. Inktober is something to look forward to, even if it's just quick sketches.

Happy holidays! Hope you're well, hope to see you again soon :)

Ha haa, I love that Mr. Chicken is now up in lights, officially. Thanks for the great rendition of him in full listening mode. Love your other line works as well. You have so much variation to your work. Then again, I can relate. Every day is different when creating things. Happens in writing too. Trying to follow one work with another of similar ilk is often hard. The mind is such an interestingly complex glob of gray stuff, isn't it?

I'm hoping I might be able to use the 'chicken scratch' for my site, if that is OK. Such a marvy bird. Hope you have a good day and talk to you soon. dd

I didn't know about this inktober event. I will check it out and try from...next year!

Great lettering on The Apple, it's what I would see when I'm about to buy some ''healthy'' apples in the supermarket. And the Iconical Line Artwork you got, always a pleasure to see some of the impulsive works!

This was definitely impulsive work, and fun. It's been a minute since I've spilled some ink. What's the best place to get food where you live? And do you like apples too? As always, many thanks 😎

Best place? uuhhm, if you mean health wise, I guess like a local farmer haha. Or also little foreign supermarkets. They tend to have some good stuff. I love apples tho!

These are beautiful and definitely simple & sweet!!
The tree is my favorite, and it really feels tranquil ^^ You have awesome line variety like thin/thick, straight/squiggly, empty/filled areas.
It's very nice to see a neat compilation of Inktobers like this :D

These were fun to make. I'm glad to have your feedback, it always helps. Thank you!

Hello. I'm just writing to say hello, and hoping all is well in your part of the world. Haven't seen you around for quite a spell, and miss talking with you. So, just checking in. Hopefully you're just taking a much needed break from the mayhem of the Steem. Have a nice day, and cheerstoya, dd

Heyyy! How are you?