Brilliant, I'm glad I came across you :-) Love your 'why have wrinkles pic'
The dynamic changes. I go from being a role model brother/father figure in their minds to an object.
I would say it's probably more than that, I'm imagining if I had been chatting to a guy for ages and I thought to myself what a cool guy, and then he turns out to be a she, it would have been quite amazing.
I'm imagining it would be more than an 'object' thing, it would be more like; 'hey I liked and connected with this person when I thought they were male, now I can like them and sleep with them.
It's quite a big thing among the male community to have females who 'get' you; in that respect, I guess we're no different from women :-)
Very glad to have you - Hope I can deliver some nice content for you.