
About fucking time you did this, great fucking article, you poured your heart into and out of, then you tagged it appropriate to pick up the shittiest bots and shallow pool divers.

Big fan of photo shop, I'm really quite handsome after I'm blurred out to 7, teeth whitened or hidden and lips unchapped.

Hey what did you call me?

Awwww I am in the hall of crypto babes tear I always knew this day would come. Bows gracefully and retrieves @crypto-babes resteem

Le-sigh, well what can you do - welcome to steemit, really ha ha

I shall try to do all of those things to my photos, so that I might garner the same type of groupies as you. Your sexy photoshoped face gets the best groupies. I really am just learning from you Eli.

Welcome to Steemit platform, from all of us in promo-nigeria. Steemit is a beautiful place to be and we are sure you will be happy here. Get to know more by blogging consistently. Never be discouraged, seek for assistant when necessary. Cheers!

We are definitely products of our environment, and knowing that is half the battle lol (G.I Joe).

On a more serious note. Are both genders actually "equal..." should they even be treated as such?

There seems to be some pretty obvious advantages and disadvantages inherent in both genders & by design, what do you think about this?


I think we are equal, in that our strong points balance each other out. The two sexes/gender types are equally needed.

Do I think we are equal in all that we do -no- but do I think we are equally valuable as races- yes.

I don't want to tell anyone that they can't do something because of thier genders because there is always going to be that one person that challenges the gender norms and blows perseptions out of the water.

I want to allow room for those people to be who they need to be, no matter their physical make-up and me telling them that they can't do something because of what happened at birth seems archaic.

If you can change into a man and do all the things an average man can do - I think you are equal to man
If you can change into a woman and do all the things an average woman can do - I think you are equal to a woman.

They are definitely Yin and Yang so to speak :)

That was the very imagery I was thinking about when I wrote this! You read my mind little bird.

11:11 in your photo...
Those are Angel #'s, in case you didn't know.
Cutting wit, real talk, porno...
Keep typing!
You have one more follow. 🙂

Awesome sauce!

That's just urine.

That's just urine.

ha ha have you been reading @beograd childhood stories?

I have stolen her - you can never have her back. I shall whip her and do very naughty things to her! It doesn't look good for @artwatch

he he Flattery will get you everywhere -- I think I will keep you around these parts.

Wow, a discussion about the genders that brought full blown unadulterated unfiltered full frontal....intellectual honesty. Haha, I love it. Congratulations on being a great human being, that's all we can hope for, regardless of the chromosomes you are born with. If we had more people that saw that every identity in politics (now globally) is purely to divide and confuse the most ignorant. It's apparent you violated every political "meatball" brained rule in the playbook, you responded (after more than a millisecond of thought) rather than reacted (involuntary 'hot take' see also facebook meme).

I really do appreciate this type of feedback. I never know how "risky" to get sometimes and I just want to test the waters and see how things go. The support is greatly appreciated @cryptkeeper17. Thank you.

OMG what a hottie. Here I am mobile steeming and you've gone and made me very uncomfortable on the train. Like being a middle-schooler on the bus again. Two more stops to calm down...

I'm glad you shared your face at last. And that comic looks amazing. I thought it was Milo Manara's work. Please keep it up, even if it's just the occasional standalone piece.

You like the comic? It was gonna be about two married people finding there way to this sleezy motel and getting it on with a bunch of ropes, with commentary on cheating. The next story was going to be a married couple finding a dominatrix to dominate them mutually and that was going to be commentary on really old love and the lengths they go to keep it.

But I reconsiderd as it will probably get me in hot water with all the wives around here. What they don't understand though is I want them to join in the fun....and it is also just art. Aw well what can you do? Maybe one day I will post it.

Go ahead and post it. It's a comic, not a marriage handbook! We're quite comfortable not being swingers, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have a bit of fun enjoying your drawings and adventures! (And if wives had real concerns about fictional adultery, the whole Romance genre would be out of business. Except maybe for those Amish "bonnet rippers."

hehe no requests?

fictional adultery..hahah...are you a bit of a trumpian? I like it too..sexting, but not adult conversation. Talking about romance....making a woman feel needed. But it stops there and i want to move on.

This one almost slipped under the radar. Glad I caught it. Now I've captured your face, for real this time. Not a partial or an artist's rendition. When I had that dream you didn't have a complete face!

What parts where missing? Was I a giant eye?

Lol, no surprisingly not a giant eye. That would have taken things into a really weird place. No, it was more like I knew it was you, but I just never saw your entire face. We were somewhere, hanging out casual, chatting, laughing, but I can't place where exactly. Fuzzy on the details. But I remember thinking in the dream how crazy it was that we 'ran into each other'. We must know each other from some other plane or era. Or not - I could be totally wrong! ☺ Maybe more answers will come in the next dream sequence.

My husband says you and I look a lot a like. Dark curls - dark eyes - kinda the same olive completion when I do get vitimin D in my life.

Sometimes I think about past lives as I think in terms of us being energy and we are all made up of some very old star dust and what not. I land more on the science, rather than the herpyderp... but sometimes I wonder if my made up energy/start dust has memory recall? Maybe some of this energy could tap into something long forgotten.

I am sure our star dust has mingled a time or two.

Sent you a PM in steemitchat.

Brilliant, I'm glad I came across you :-) Love your 'why have wrinkles pic'

The dynamic changes. I go from being a role model brother/father figure in their minds to an object.

I would say it's probably more than that, I'm imagining if I had been chatting to a guy for ages and I thought to myself what a cool guy, and then he turns out to be a she, it would have been quite amazing.

I'm imagining it would be more than an 'object' thing, it would be more like; 'hey I liked and connected with this person when I thought they were male, now I can like them and sleep with them.

It's quite a big thing among the male community to have females who 'get' you; in that respect, I guess we're no different from women :-)


Very glad to have you - Hope I can deliver some nice content for you.

Welcome to steemit (again!) You look amazing all photoshopped decorating this contradictory introductory piece