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RE: Jerusalem, some say, is the heart of the world.

in #jerusalem11 months ago

Yes, but it doesn't make sense.. I'm also learning about Islam, and I have many Muslim friends from all over the world. If we understand Islam as non-Muslims, there are ways to live with Muslims. Everything is written in the Kuran, we must reach a state of eternal hudna. In any case, I feel the peace with Iran is approaching by giant steps, I am already starting to smell the cooking smells of my friends in Tehran who are all waiting for the day we can meet. I am optimistic. At a very young age I realized that the journey is not easy. And we have to be strong, recognize the truth and remain human. The most important thing is to be human


This is very True. I think the Sufi have a very good mystical understanding of the Quran … what is important … and it is always Loving Kindness above anything else. This is the same in the Torah and the teachings of Jesus (Yeshua ha Notzri) .. Buddhism and Hinduism… the mystics understand the Teachings of Universal Love …