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RE: [LEARN & EARN - Week #17] What did you learn in the last couple of days? **2 STEEM BOUNTY**

in #learnandearn6 years ago

i learned about #learnandearn and maybe it is enough for now :D
not sure i could go back every day last week to think about what i learned, but maybe i will try for the next week.
or should this post be for the future week? probably not.


you know, it doesn't really can post 3 random things...if you aim for higher tiers and need monday to friday, you can do both..last week or come later this week and write about this one :)

wanted to edit my comment but you already replied to it :D
i just learned that song Macarena is about a girl that cheated on her boyfriend with 2 friends. even speculating that out of town means that he was drafted to army, but i think it is a stretch.
Well my english was probably not that great at the time but, need to put more attention to the lyrics :D

Hah np :D Had no idea bao0ut macarena thing :D I just know how to dance it hahah :D thxx for entering :) Will upvote the main comment of yours.