in #life6 years ago


Hello everyone Bradley here!!! First of all I wanted to say sorry for not sending out any posts here in the last month or two. Life got in the way and was taking a lot of my time. I started getting lazy in a few aspects of my life and writing blogs was one of them. So I'm going to make a conscious effort to start doing posts at least once a week if not more. Especially now when the Steemit platform needs all of us bloggers large and small to keep promoting this every chance we get. So I want to do my part even if it is small potatoes in the great realm of things.

One thing I didn't get lazy on was my workouts, quite the opposite actually. The only thing I changed up was my macros, I made them more geared towards a bulk. For my inter-workouts for motivation instead of listening to some heavy heavy metal (Only listen to while working out lol) to get me going I listened to "Blood and Guts" if you have'n't watched it, it's basically a documentary of Dorian Yates workouts with training partner Diesel back in the 90's when Yates was a monster. So now when I workout I listen to these two guys yell at each other and it's like having a trainer screaming at you to get one more rep. Might not work for you but it works for me and I've been hitting new PRs.

As for right now I'm going to switch it up again (not the workout, still going to lift heavy) my diet that is. When I started this journey I talked to @theycallmedan a little bit about what he did on his workout journey and he mentioned that he was doing different variations of Intermittent Fasting or IF depending on if he was bulking or cutting. So I'm going to try this for at least a month if not longer depending on how the results are after a month. I'm pretty excited about trying this out!

Well I guess that's it for now thanks for reading!

Also real quick I don't reread my blog and I don't check for spelling errors, if this bothers you I'm sorry but it's not going to change lol. Suzzy has been yelling at me for years! She's good at that stuff I suck at it so why change now.? lol