Treasures Found on the Edge of the Road

in #life6 years ago

Treasures Found on the Edge of the Road

Concentration and Self-discipline

As soon as we start our inner journey, we find treasures along the way. They are practical and positive things that happen to us precisely because we meditate.


The ability to concentrate, to maintain attention on a thing, without being distracted, so that we can focus all mental capacity on it, is improved by practice. Meditation is concrentracion, a special form of conscience, that although it is relaxed, at the same time it is directed. It is concentration without tension.

Many of us were conditioned by the idea that for the concentration to be effective there must be tension. This agrees with the erroneous idea according to which everything that is worthwhile is difficult, and by deduction, what is easy is not worth it. According to that, we should tighten the muscles of the neck, shoulders and face to think well. When we were students, to show the professor that we were trying, we crunched on the table, and hit the pen so hard that the knuckles turned white.

Obviously, the problem that this implied was that we devoted our energy and attention in trying to demonstrate that we tried to do something, instead of dedicating ourselves to thinking. It seems obvious that the brain must function better when oxygen and nutrients reach it easily than when muscle tension prevents blood supply. One wonders how one could know that we really tried. As naive as that attitude may seem, the truth is that most of us developed it as children and then it continues to influence us a lot. It does not stop being curious that attention sounds the same as tension.


Meditation offers the possibility of freeing oneself from the habit of striving to fix attention, and allows one to practice concentration in combination with deep relaxation. As we meditate, we discover that we concentrate better if we put less effort into other things, such as squeezing the lips tightly or frowning. We try to extend this new way of being to other aspects of life.

In this way we have more energy to think and we do it more clearly and effectively. Although some people get it without using their mind a lot, most of us think that, in many cases, it is an advantage to concentrate without being distracted. Let's say that a person who reaches an advanced stage of that relaxed concentration can even do his accounts without raising his shoulders to the height of his ears.


The word concentrate is derived from words that mean to be united in a center, and meditation tries to take us to the peaceful center of our being, the mountain of the center of the sea. From that quiet center we can think and act with balance and ease, instead of stress and confusion.

Self-discipline is very related to concentration. To follow a regular program of meditation, in general we must become more disciplined. Nobody forces us to be, probably nobody cares even if we do. It depends on us, and the best reason we have to decide is that it is for us. We are the beneficiaries, and it may be that the others appreciate our changes, or that they do not perceive them.


There is a potential positive circuit that feeds itself. Regularly doing meditation exercises is a way to exercise self-discipline. When you do something often, you tend to do it better and better, and with meditation the same thing happens. The exercise of self-discipline not only increases the concentration in the meditation, but also affects our daily lives, encouraging us to be a little more disciplined, organized and efficient in other facets, which in turn helps us to be more disciplined in the practice of meditation. Every time we go around we win.

Feel free to comment, I always reply and upvote all of them ...!!!

A lot of Hugs ...



Dear @edgarare1 and @everyone-else


I've been researching a lot lately about different methods of dealing with stress and I bumped into Dutch guy called "Wim Hof" and promoted by him breathing method.

Seriously as much as I'm not into yoga and I don't think I would like to sit still for such a long perionds of time, I still believe that it's valuable to at least bring some benefits of meditation to our every-day-life.

So now my question is:

Did anyone here ever tried or heard about Wim Hof breathing method? And did you ever tried meditation and do you still continue? Please share with us your experience.


Friend @crypto.piotr
I can tell you with all sincerity, that I have never learned that method.
However on the other hand I have all the certainty that I am going to investigate. that method

Thank you so much @lanzjoseg for taking the time and try to know about the method

Hey @crypto.piotr, thanks for recommending the read. Was definitely worth my time, follow, upvote and resteem, @edgarare1! ;)

I do know Wim Hof, however I'd say that what he does is not really different from what I know as "holotropic breathing" which I've got some amazing experiences with.

But let me tell you my favorite short cut into a meditative state: JUST DANCE! Close your eyes, let your body move to the rhythm, just flow into it and feel your consciousness shifting in, like a minute! Have fun! :)

Dear @mayb

Could you please share your experience with "holotropic breathing"? It the first time Im hearing about it and I would love to hear your first-hand experience.


as usual, when you're asking a question like that it's something I am already working on. So funny, this synchronicity with you all the time! :D

Invented by Stanislav Grof who experimented with LSD in Psychotherapy. But since the substance got banned he developed this breathing technique because he felt it could effect your brain in a similiar way LSD does.

I am doing it for different reasons. To alter my consciousness and for health benefits mostly. But you can use it to get into trance or to do astral travels and all sorty of crazy stuff. You will feel euphoric when you try. I promise.

So, those guys are really disturbing so I can't recomment to do it with them, HOWEVER the ways she leads them is very close to the way I am doing it. And I like to listen to shamanic drums while I am doing it.

Hi @mayb

Thank you for your yet another amazing comment :) Appreciate it greately

Also big thx for that link to youtube :)


always welcome. I really like your engagement and thoughts. :)

After we talked about it, I got inspired to do it once again this morning. Was a wonderful experience. I felt a burning ball of energy on each of my hands and my thighs (which are a little hurting at the moment) started burning and became very heavy. Right after I fell into a deep and very refreshing sleep. Dreamless. Pure nothing.

That´s right @mayb meditation actually is similar to dancing...

When you are a beginner in dance you have to concentrate to remember every step and practice everyday... It converts you an expert and good dancer...!!!

Thanks a lot for coming ...!!!

since this is my favorite topic: I am glad to be here. :)

Love your comment, thank you for your big support @mayb

Dear Piotr,

As a matter of fact, I did tried meditation but, I am not big into chanting while going into an altered state of mind.

I just want you to know these things:

  • You don't need to sit for a very long time to meditate. Initially, 5 minutes is enough.
  • You do not need to learn complex mantras or positions of whatever. You can prop up yourself on your bed, sitting down, close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • No special breathing techniques necessary. Just focus on breathing in and out

Yes. I have read of Wim Hof method but, I do not want to try it out because of the "exposure to cold" factor. In my experience, being exposed to anything cold would result in your muscles cramping especially on your legs. I have been doing lotus position, fire log position, indian tailor sit position and casual sitting- on the floor position while meditating: they do have something in common: after awhile, your legs starts to feel cold, cramp, sometimes you feel pain or, you feel nothing at all.

Kind regards


Thanks for your words, @nurseanne84. I couldn't explain it in abetter way:
You don't need to sit for a very long time to meditate. Initially, 5 minutes is enough.
You do not need to learn complex mantras or positions of whatever. You can prop up yourself on your bed, sitting down, close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
No special breathing techniques necessary. Just focus on breathing in and out

I do the same

no worries @mllg. I just want to simplify the concept in case someone out there has reason to believe that they needed to attend special classes, buy this and that accessory or, do something special like getting into full lotus position in order to meditate.

Yeah, that´s it @mllg

Just five minutes is enough .

Thank you so much for coming...!!

I'm following you because I like your post

Thank you so much for your big support @mllg

Dear @nurseanne84

Thank you for your amazing comment. Seriously appreciate it a lot.

Yes. I have read of Wim Hof method but, I do not want to try it out because of the "exposure to cold" factor.

His method seem to consist of 2 different things. I'm only focusing on breathing method and I do not care about exposure to cold. It's still one of the best thing that I've implemented into my life. Maybe it's placebo but it does feel this way.

you're very responsive which is absolutely great and steemit community surely will benefit by having you here.

if you would ever like to keep in touch and support each other closer, then drop me a message [email protected].
This will allow us to communicate easier.

No pressure of course,

Cheers, Piotr

Thanks Piotr. For me, its not just the fascination of "being paid" or "getting attention." Its more of having intellectual stimulation hehehe.

Its also a great motivation that now, though btc is dropping, steem is maintaining is value.........

Dear @nurseanne84

Thank you for your comment. And I would like to ask you for small favor:

Good friend of mine posted lately interesting publication: "Bitcoin was NOT in a bubble ...". I got to know him personally and Im doing my best to help him get some exposure and promote his quality work.

Perhaps you could show your support and drop some valuable comment? :) I would appreciate.



Thank you @crypto.piotr ..

I will be there in the post reading the info,

thanks for sharing the link.

Thanks a lot for this new @nurseanne for the btc and steem..!!

Thanks a lot @crypto.piotr for your big support..!!

And response to everyone here in the post...!!!

I really appreciate it a lot...!!!

Hello @nurseanne84 I love your comment..

Everything you said is true..!!

In this case:

I do not want to try it out because of the "exposure to cold" factor. In my experience, being exposed to anything cold would result in your muscles cramping especially on your legs.

If you don't want to try this one, it is not necessary ..!! This one is only when you have mastered the technique...

Thank you for your comment ...!!!

I'd watched several videos of Wim Hof.
He had a terrible background that lead him to an extraordinary abilities.
Do we need to tremble in order to acquire extraordinary abilities?
Maybe or maybe not.

If we're in a discomfort condition, our brain obviously triggers, much more if we feel horrible pains inside and out.
Near death experiences and testimonies had been recorded. Forces from out of this world are experienced and testified.

Going back to meditation, not everyone meditates. I guess a person has a journey when he/she will eventually reach a point when he/she would feel like he/she wants to pray or meditate.
When this habit of prayer or/and meditation matures, it would become easier to simply shift from one thought to the other. Even in the midst of crowd a person could pray or meditate, but not all could do this.

Dear @ronel

Do we need to tremble in order to acquire extraordinary abilities?

Good question :)

Thank you for this amazing comment buddy. Appreciate it a lot.

Good fiend of mine posted lately interesting publication: "Bitcoin was NOT in a bubble ...". I got to know him personally and Im doing my best to help him get some exposure and promote his quality work.

Perhaps you could show your support and drop some valuable comment? :) I would appreciate.



That´s right @ronel

Everything you said is correct

Even in the midst of crowd a person could pray or meditate, but not all could do this.

Yeah, not everyone can do that, but everyone can try it for a better life.

Nothing is impossible in this life of knowledge ...!!

Thanks a lot for coming to the post ..!!

Hi, dear friend @crypto.piotr
I enjoyed this post, thanks for tell me about ir.
I practice meditation. Y never hear about "Wim Hof". It sounds interesting and I'll investigate about it
Have a nice day!

What an amazing comment @mllg

Sometimes is a little bit difficult to find someone who practice meditation..

I´m glad to hear that...

Our Brain is an amaizing tool. And we often take it for granted, it works hard for us every day 24/7. So sometimes we should give it a break, let it drift and relax. Give it some love, after all without it, who would you be? Namaste 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

What an amazing comment @andyjem

You´re completely right... Our brain is working hard and as you said, we have to give it a break and take a little bit of time for relax..

after all without it, who would you be?


So, meditation allows you to concentrate without tension. This is not easy to achieve, I think.

Hello @putu300

As you know, nothing is easy at the beginning, it is just practice and it doesn´t take you a lot of time,

It is just 3 or 5 minutes everyday and that´s it, relaxation time for your health

So is my good friend we should be able to achieve that meditation and make it something everyday, to also achieve that center you mention, and of course I could tell you that for a person who has never practiced it is very difficult to achieve it,
But nothing is impossible or good almost nothing if you intend to make meditation a way of life to achieve personal growth and improve your quality of life.

Thanks for this post,
A big fraternal hug from Venezuela

Incredible what you said @lanzjoseg

Yeah, everyone knows that something new is not easy at the beginning..

As you said Nothing is impossible, incredible right...!!!

Ultimately, meditation is about escaping the limitations of the mind, about going beyond the mind. In fact, meditation is the only tried and proven way of doing that.

Instead of "concentration," it might be more appropriate to "focus." Concentration implies the use of the mind, and that might actually constrain us. Focus, on the other hand, can still the mind.

For instance, while meditating, simple focus on the breath, or maybe a candle. That does not take much concentration at all, since all you're doing in those exercises is being aware. The mind does not have to concentrate or think about anything, Just be aware, and still, and silent.

I really love your comment @majes.tytyty

You really impressed me with your knowledge ..

Yeah, I agree with you ..

Actually, concentration takes you another place in peace,
Your mind is not thinking, it is flying and make your body feel better...

Thanks. Hope this music brings you much peace.

Regards @edgarare1

Very good blog.

Regarding this phrase: " The ability to concentrate, to maintain attention on a thing, without being distracted, so that we can focus all mental capacity on it, is improved by practice. "

I would rather start saying, that something like this as a process would not need to be an issue, IF the person has the perfect genes from their ancestral Family roots and a very strong emotional education.

The nowadays society think that a procedure like meditation, or better to say, a process of self-retaliation from within'is the Key for everyone's self re-unity.

It might function, but not for everyone.

Some, without knowledge about what Portals you can open through a meditation, a real one, are not prepared, in most of the cases, and they will be shocked to see, that they've opened the gates for something we call " djins" ... from which the word "genus" comes ... but this does not mean that everyone will become a genus ... it will just open the gates of a portal from another dimension and will let it enter this spectrum ... and after that, you will might see people with disorders, mainly mentally.

Just to practice some breathing exercises, yoga stretching exercises it's cool, still in the 3 D World dimension ... but to step further, you need to have deeper knowledge about the Spirit/Soul/Mind like an old wise shaman.

Wish you all a wise "return to the Future" in everyone's Journey through this Infinite Universe.

Meanwhile, check out my futuristic LNToken and click the participate button and invest in a couple of hundreds to sustain my Art/Music and the charity causes that i'll sustain for Africa. Much appreciated.

Thanks a lot for your amazing comment @luciannagy

Actually meditation is not something different, it is like to know a new language or an art, or something we want know,

Meditation is just a relaxing time, in a comfort zone, and making your body much stronger ...!!

Nice article @edgarare1,

Taking the time to relax and focus on deeper things or even simple but important details is definitely something we all should do more. Its a great reminder!

Incredible comment

Yeah, as you said simple but strong and incredible results for our health ..

Dear @edgarare1

I hope you don't mind receiving this comment as it may be a little off our usual topic.

I'm not sure if you've noticed your SP lately, but it has recently increased. I managed to receive support and encouragement from a few people who seem to appreciate my work here on Steemit and whoare also interested in seeing our little community grow.

Those 3 guys delegated together almost 4000 SP to a group of around 80 people I support and that includes you! :)

a) majes.tytyty
b) devann
c) boxcarblue

You can check your own delegations using this link: (xxxx = name of your account)

It obviously took me some time and effort to organize and get them on board. Plus they are using their own resources so ... I can only hope that you will invest some of your own time and effort to show them your support, appreciation/ say thank you etc. And if you enjoy their content then please also try to drop some valuable comment.

After all we need people like them if we want this community to grow stronger. So I hope I can count on you.

In the meantime I'm having a talk with 2 other people and one witness, who may also join my efforts and make some extra delegation :) Fingers crossed :)


Hey my friend @crypto.piotr as always I said before... Don´t worry about that...

I really love the comment no matter if the topic is different...

All your comment and comment from everybody are welcome here, no matter the topic is...

Yeah, I received 25 SP delegated from @majes.tytyty maybe last week, and 13 SP delegated from @boxcarblue..

And Still waiting for @devann delegation (lol) thanks a lot to everyone for your big support...

And thank you @crypto.piotr because your are working very hard for us I think, if you need something please let me know, and yeah, for sure this 3 guys also if you need something let me know as well...

I know crypto.piotr you are not asking for something especial, but I want to help with something ...!!!

Dear @edgarare1

I appreciate your kind comment my dear friend

You're very responsive which is absolutely great and steemit community surely will benefit by having you here.

I know crypto.piotr you are not asking for something especial, but I want to help with something ...!!!

Just keep being as supportive as you are :)

As you may already know, every weekend Im sending one memo with some recommendation to quality posts related to blockchain technology. I hope you don't mind receiving it.

I would always appreciate if you could show your support towards promoted authors (mostly by droping some valuable comment). But please don't ever feel pressured.

Im always only grateful to those who can support my efforts. But I fully understand that we all have our lifes and responsibilities outside steemit.

Also please keep in mind, that I'm always happy to help get some extra exposure to those who are the most supportive towards rest of our little crypto community here on Steemit. I can help you as well in the future :)


Not everyone meditates. I guess a person has a journey when he/she will eventually reach a point when he/she would feel like he/she wants to pray or meditate.
When this habit of prayer or/and meditation matures, it would become easier to simply shift from one thought to the other. Even in the midst of crowd a person could pray or meditate, but not all could do this.

Well, it is not too difficult @ronel

It is just taking 3 or 5 minutes everyday or just 3 days a week,

It is just practice, nothing is easy at the beginning

We can try ..!!

I agree if we do something more often we tend to do it more better and better. and off course self discipline is what most of us lack of, specially me. I will try to meditate in order to bring that in me.
Keep up such interesting content, @crypto.piotr told about you.

Thank you so much @praditya

Yeah, this is the best way to improve everything we want ..

You said:


That´s really correct, and thank you for let me know that you can try it in your life..