Meeting our Android Steemify dev + Brisket shopping with Fabio at Butcher Schell and tasting our home-made beer.

in #life7 years ago

After driving home from work today around 14:00 I got a message from Ben.

The Steemify Android dev (Rene) was visiting him and he asked if I wanted to come round.

I said yes of course!

What Rene needs to do is make an app for Android that connects to our Steemify server.

He had already made some small prototypes that was cool.

I don't think he was 100% up to date yet about the awesomeness of this blockchain though so I gave a small lecture in Dutch :)

It was fun.

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I didn't stay to long because I was meeting Fabio (@fabrews) later that night and I wanted to get some other stuff done.

At 18:30 I drove to Rotterdam.

I was meeting Fabio at the famous butcher Schell.

The Butcher is located in a part of Rotterdam that once was known to be avoided but not anymore.

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Fabio was already there talking to the butcher about the meat and how I wanted it. It will be our first time making a brisket but he did the research. The guy's a pro.

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The butcher went into the back of the store and not much later emerged with this! That looked pretty good to me. (We did buy some backup meat just in case of total failure.)

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We drove to Fabio's place where he showed me the beers that we had brewed not long ago. They had been bottled 5 days ago. According to him the carbonation was not perfect yet but we did put two beers cold anyway for research purposes.

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In the meantime we prepared the meat. We trimmed it and then put it in the rub. It will marinated overnight.

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The beers were cold and we had a taste! O man, it was delicious but as he stated not enough carbanation yet, but the foam was already good. It just needs a bit more uupmmf.

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Tomorrow is the big day.

I will fire up the grill around 9:30 and we can start the slow roasting around 10:00 in the morning.

We expect the process to take around 8-9 hours + 1 hour resting.

Later Ben will join us.

I have been looking forward to this the whole week!

Some beers, friends and good food.

Can't ask for more!

I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

We build Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:


All your ending to your post end with some good food I’ve noticed :)

Meat + beet = classic 😂

When you want to Flag them but see their Steem power lol

and friends :)

Yeah that’s right - friends 😍

What a day.
I see why you have to let go some it clients to give time for the blockchain and steemify.
Hard work from the brain paid off.
Keep on steemin'

Brisket and burnt ends are my two favorite smoked meats. Looks like you got a really nice piece of meat there too!

Home brewer here, and yes it’s normally good form to wait at least 2weeks before drinking beer that’s being carbonated naturally in the bottle. Give it another week and it’ll be good to go. The flavors balance out too after time. Less off flavors and green flavors once the yeast has had ample time to do all of its cleanup work.

Looks like a great day was had, cheers!

Yeah, like with many things patience is important. Still a small research had to be done :)

Absolutely. I always get anxious and try a bottle after 1 week...for research purposes, of course ; )

We are eagerly waiting for the steemify android version.

Almost time man. I keep checking for videos of good briskets and it seems that in Austin the best briskets are sprayed with cider vinegar once an hour or so. I could bring some if I find it. Its gonna be grrrreat.

Looking forward to it!

Looking forward to it!

Wow!!, this really cool man, most times I look at how you prepare most of you food, I just feel like I can just cook in s good way as Well.

I wish you guys success on the android steemify app. I believe in you guys and also what you guys are doing @blockbrothers.

I have been using Steemify for some time and I love it. The only option I’m missing is if I could erase history of notification, other than that, love it.
I have drank a beer not finished with the whole carbonated process and it didn’t end very well, so I don’t recommend it. But everyone could react differently. This beautiful piece of meet looks amazing. I might have to think of something tomorrow.

Excellent meeting, my friend, it's great when you can meet with friends over a glass of delicious beer and discuss topics that interest you the most. I hope that the meat that is marinated will be excellent taste and you write about it! Thank you Mark.