Becoming Aware Of The One Person You Really Need To Know... You!

in #life7 years ago

It's rather funny that of all the people we know we rarely spend any time at all getting to know the most important person in our lives... ourselves!

Many people will follow every move of certain celebrities and know even the smallest facets of their public life.

Yet, most of us don't spend any time at all looking in the mirror and trying to discover who we are... and why we do the things we do.

What I've grown to realize is that most people are programmed by our cult(ure) and aren't all that different from a programmed robot. I was one myself for most of my life.

My physical, mental and spiritual health journey has led me to realizing just how programmed I was and has also led me to things such as meditation in order to be able to identify what other things I do that are simply programmed and not something done by conscious choice or with intent.

It can lead you down a shocking rabbit hole once you begin to deprogram yourself and realize just how much of what you do wasn't a conscious choice.

And, it is only after you begin to deprogram yourself that you can "Be The Truest Most Authentic Version Of Yourself."

In what is likely my final "walk n' talk" from the streets of Las Vegas I ponder on how you can get to know that person you've spent your entire life with... you!

If all goes to plan the next time you see me on the road ranting will be alongside my five anarchodogs in Anarchapulco who I haven't seen for nearly a week.... and that is nearly a week too long for me!


Don't listen to any recommandations from society ...
Waking up from the programming...

whoa. this is awesome

Nature is busy creating totally unique individuals while culture is busy trying to make everyone the same. Don't let the vortex suck you in!

🔥🔥🔥 it wants you... :v .. .on nom nom ..

Couldn't agree more.

Thats the energy they are sucking out of the human race.I just want to jump in there and pull this dude out.Hey what a great effect! Like it.

crazy pit of doom ‼️

This is awesome.. That pit of conforming

run away, run away.. lol

right on point

🙌🏻 🙌🏻

Great GIF, if you watch it for long it feels like you're being sucked into the screen, quite disturbing!

😳 😱 very disturbing!

Waiting for someone to come along and scream "This is SPARTA" and kick the character into the hole.

👏 awesome

👏 👏 👏


Great post Jeff! I love meditation.

All so often we get programmed by society to do certain things in a certain way that we forget to take a minute, slow down, and question the purpose of the whole idea.

The traditional media and social media are constantly grabbing our attention and selling us stuff we really don't need.

Meditation does help me calm my nerves and become more mindful so I can truly find myself.

Hi there, I think you would benefit from my post about meditation:

Your awakening is something to behold and has inspired me to find more of myself on a daily basis. Thanks!

lovin this guy lately!

Yes, it is something to behold! Following you now...

Hey Jeff,
Really enjoying your 'tuning in' to your inner self posts. It's so beautiful to be giving this message out to folks.

The transition of social media onto the blockchain and out of the control of centralized media moguls will hopefully enable more people like you to be able to use their popularity to share about some of the really important things in life that actually bring about health and happiness rather than just more craving and despair!

Check my latest post on taking mini-breaks through the day - kinda like mindfulness on the move - you might enjoy it. I'm doing a series of posts on these subjects.

I am a mindfulness teacher and have been following this path for the last 15 years - so worth it, the one investment no-one can ever take away from you - an investment in your body and mind ;-)

Sending love and appreciation to you,


I agree with you :)

I really enjoy watching your new flow in these videos.

hello from Merida Yucatan, !good work

@jeffberwick KUDOS to you for realizing the true wealth of the worldly life is good health.
Keep up with it my friend and before you know it you will have your subconscious brain trained to just live a healthy life.
I've been there done that... you sounded so Deja vu.
You're a good man and definitely deserve to live a good healthy lifestyle. Goodluck!
If you find a few moments please also check out and upvote my blogs @riz-cryptonian.

It is so true. Self-awareness is so important. Many people say the people around them do not know how about them but do people really understand themselves? I am this kind of person. I do not know what I want to do , I do not know what I my talent. Because of lacking of confidence, i always afraid of exporing myself.

Yes there is a need to boost your self. You are best created by God. You can do best with your unique qualities. It is not fair just idealize others to whom you will never meet to know their real personality . i would like to promote my self and prove me better than any celebity.

Only when we find ourselves can we find others who found themselves. Then we can make the change we seek in this world.

I agree but it sounds so optimistic, i thin k the reality is not that easy archivable

Interesting quote - I reckon pain is the biggest motivator that we have and is probably the cause of the most progress that we humans have experienced. Pain forces you to search for peace and love!

Really inspiring :) thanks