
I don't understand what you want to show? Please, explain.
This type of graph will not show how much any steemians sell upvote?
Also paste your sell votes graph and self vote graph and earning made by selling votes. I think it may heart you, but this the realty.
These graph only shows self and others. What is wrong/right in this?
Keep working on good productive things not distracting things.

Theses graphs indicate that the account @veganomics is dedicated to just voting for you. That is so sad coming from a vegan. @veganomics should learn to spread the love. We all need to support each other with kindness and love. Please think about voting for others.

That is so sad coming from a vegan. @veganomics should learn to spread the love.

@mightyblueberry what do you understand by love? Do you think distributing free money is what love means? Why can't a "vegan" earn money and is expected to distribute as a form of love & kindness? Please explain. Your statement seems prejudiced and offensive to me.

Love can come in many forms and can be expressed in many ways. To love another human being is to be sincere in gesture. Love is not always about saying nice things but quite often about helping someone develop as a human being.

My comment is in response to @veganomics actions in supporting predominantly just one account. Steem is a community where we should help more than just the few. I mention veganism as a true vegan believes in spreading kindness as far as possible. We believe in more than just ourselves or our closest friends and family. We believe in spreading love across species.

I am sorry if my statement offended you. I do not mean any offence by my actions. I think you misunderstood because you are a bit stupid. Hope you have a nice day.

Dear smart & intellectual @mightyblueberry, kindly note that "upvotes" & "downvotes" are not related to love or hatred. It's your personal inference. These are just tools for executing the "Proof of Brain" eco-system on this blockchain. There are several other ways to express your love. I don't see any action of @veganomics resulting out of any hatred. Sometimes people over-analyse things.

I'm happy to be a stupid. IMHO, stupid people have better chance to know love than intellectuals. Probably, you know that love is a subject of heart, not brain.

May you be blessed with the eyes to see others' hearts!

Thanks for the compliment @xyzashu. Trust me I am not that smart, I would put myself as about average intelligence. I suppose most people appear very intelligent to you by comparison.

Just to clarify, I see no hatred in @vegonomics actions. I just see an account dedicated to upvoting one other account; that account being @mehta. @veganomics can do whatever she likes with her upvotes. Like I can say whatever I like in my comments. These few comments have been to highlight the behaviour of the @veganomics account as well as explain the graphs in the first comment by@matt-a.

I hope you understand what I am saying now. I know Steem can be difficult to grasp for people with average intelligence. So I fully sympathise with a man such as yourself who most likely has a very serious learning disability.

If you only think that free upvote is a love, It is not completely true. By the way, veganomics was already giving free upvotes to many steemians (You both @mightblueberry and @xyzashu can check the upvote pattern of veganomics). You have only objection for it gives upvote to me not for others. So now it will not give much upvote to me.
Now, Happy. Cheers!
Please, analysis properly the account veganomics was already gives free upvotes to anyone with approximate no. of same quantity to me, I have the largest share. Example if veganomics gives 20 votes daily, 10votes for me and 10 votes for others. You can check 3 months data.

Thank you sir, that is a very responsible approach to take.