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RE: How NOT to Behave on a Blind Date

in #life8 years ago

haha I agree with all your points, the escorts was a joke, not true at all!

this post was exaggerated for comical effect as well, it's more like a series of dates over the years rolled into one. It's more of an internal comical monologue than anything else, just loosely based on real facts.

I'm not as awkward or as much of a douche as I made myself out to be. Thanks for having a read again Stella


hey trafalgar, I just wanted to say that I think it's really cool you were brave enough to say things like that stupid condom joke! That's AWESOME. Because, in addition to what Stella said(and I think there's a lot of value in it), it's also good to not be TOO worried about the other person. I think I fall into this trap a lot, where I can go hang out with someone, and be so focused on my perceptions of them them I forget to enjoy myself for who I am.

Another way to look at it is a possible lens of filtering, you don't actually want just any girl. you want someone that is down to have fun in a way you can relate too, vinegar to your baking soda eh? sure, maybe she's pretty, but that lasts a whole of about two weeks as for as these things go. So I say, FUCKING SAY STUPID SHIT!!!! Be ridiculous, do things that scare you. If she can't step, too bad for her. You'll know when you meet someone that can =)

haha ya I agree
someone who's intelligent and secure with a good sense of humor is a must
I woudln't be compatible with the easily offended

Oh, I was being so fucking serious.....which happens to me occasionally. I knew it was comedy and that you wrote that for comic effect. Sometimes I am just an ass on purpose, to see what happens. This was it

You're telling me that comedians often exaggerate or fabricate elements of the stories they tell for comedic effect? HMMMWHAAAAA?!?!?!

It's true, folks. Please expect 20% to 100% of a stand-up routine or a comedian's autobiography or a post on Steemit under the "funny" tag to be made-up bullsquat. Hope that didn't ruin it for you.

Only 10-15% of my stuff is made-up bullsquat, in fact. I try to keep it real. :)

haha I doubt i qualify as a 'comedian' but I try to come up with a few interesting lines for others to snort up

The definition of "comedian" includes comedy writers, so I think you qualify.

Over time, I got to learn how to understand your entertaining humor and I can relate in some weird ways 🙀 I don't even dare to joke sarcastically about my life and dating episodes in public 😜 I decided to enjoy my "single" adventure.
Just go with the flow and always bring a condom as Mamma would say

I haven't had a date in over two years but I like stellabella's comments. I also think we should be ourselves on dates and in every aspect of our lives. I would rather be alone than be with the wrong person. Be your true self and you will eventually attract the right person. I also believe in the law of attraction so I'm probably crazy. :D