Off Track in 2019, Already!

in #life6 years ago


Almost February and I am already WAY!! off track with my life vision.

Here in Australia, It is summer.

Summer comes with parties, alcohol and a generous amount of time to relax and soak up the sun.

On the other hand, there is a point where you have to say enough is enough and get back on track with what you want to achieve out of life.

I am pretty sure I have gotten all the partying out of the way and can cut back on it to at least once a month.

Over the past couple years, I have gone through a lot of emotional trauma. From seeing my sister deteriorate from anorexia (she’s doing good now, still a way to go, but she’s tough), to picking family members off the ground and hugging them, especially my dad which hurt me to see and picking him up off the kitchen floor and taking him to his room to sit by his side, as he had broken down crying, due to trying to do his best for my youngest sister and really trying to help her get better, when it didn’t seem like she would.

To my own health getting the better of me, as I only focused on the people around me and not myself. Which led to poor decisions and getting in trouble with the law, from just not giving a shit.

The point is I’m trying to make, is out of all this trauma I know whats important in life. I know what matters. I am more wise than I used to be, I’ve grown up quicker than you could say.. hmm…bacon? haha.

I now know who I am to the core. I know what feeds my soul and I know how to improve my life and the lives of everyone around me! This lead to a life vision, why am i alive? whats the point?

I believe that I am here to be the best friend to those around me and to people I don’t even know that need it. I am also here to have stronger relationships with family members and not hold anything against them or resent them. I am also here to help others who are struggling in life and trying to create my own philanthropy work to what I think is not being done.

With deep reflection of who you are, IS SO POWERFUL!! because you can create the most beautiful value and content for everyone and as a creator, this is a weapon for amazing things to happen and bring to the world. It comes down to you, to create a future that is bright. It does not come from anyone else, no one is going to help you! you are an individual in this world which means people can be there for you. However it is up to you to actually create change for the better.

I’ve dragged this post out a bit, so I will create a post right after this with my blueprint in dot points that shows what I am working on at this moment to get back on track financially and physically.

Thank you! I appreciate everyone who reads my content and takes the time to contribute and interact with my blog. I am sending out positive vibes to all of you and I can’t wait to see what you guys post about next.

Stay safe x