Love & Relationships Series :: "Just The Ending" PART I :: Anonymous Author

"Just The Ending"
Scene: Black tie gala for my husband's work
Me: Happily overindulged on cheesecake and steps into the foyer, alone, to get away from the crowd.
My husband's 21 year-old, female co-worker: "Excuse me _____, can I talk to you?"
Me: "Sure!"
21 y.o.: "I just wanted to say how sorry I am for what happened....."
Me: Immediately sensing in her face and posture what she was talking about yet hoping that I was wrong: "......What are you talking about??"
21 y.o.: "Oh God.....he told me that you knew....he said you were ok with it...."
Room starts to spin

I know she's still talking, yet I have internally muted the sounds coming out of her face. All I hear is the rudely loud tinitus in my ears. I gain bearings and turn on the husband compass. He's outside. With a large group of people. Undoubtedly telling a story that involved him being a hero of some sort. He is in full military dress blues.
This is when my buzzer goes. All social niceties go out the window. I bust through the doors outside. He is mid sentence when he sees me. And he knows. He knows I know. That could have something to do with the fact that his 21 year old sweetheart is behind me, also coming to grips with the fact that her charming, 41 year old lover just lied to her an hour ago to save face. He didn't think she would come to me. It's about damn time someone called his bluff. And I'm about to knock it off his face.
The group parts like the Red Sea, sensing the hostility that is no doubt emanating from my pores.
Me: "How could you?"
Husband: Puts his hands in his pockets, closes his mouth into the most smug face he can manage. "What do you expect me to say?"
I don't remember where the people went, who they were, or what I said to 21 year old after that. What I do really wish I could remember is the sound of the CRACK my hand made when it made impact with the side of his face. be continued...