HIYA!! I Got Nominated For Make A Minnow #21 & Made It To The Voting Phase :) Could I Have Your Vote Please? <3

in #makeaminnow6 years ago (edited)

Good Evening You Wonderful Ones <3

I am deeply touched by all the nominations to @msp-makeaminnow - Make A Minnow #21 from all you beautiful souls

Thank you so much <3


Can I, should I?

I am just going to go for it & ask!

Could I have your vote please?

I seriously was trying to take a proper photo, I even asked @jeffleinwand to help out, being me though, try & catch one, oh well, hehe.
I am ME!
So, here is a GIF of the photo trial..


I am not a serious person, although some say so, they misunderstand ;)

I am serious about what I do though!

I am on a mission!!
I feel it to be my duty to bring together like minded humans/artists, to create connections, give support, put a spotlight on them for ALL of you to see, get to know & help!

I am approaching my 27th week this Friday hosting a show featuring musicians, never missed a day!

I started with "The Needle On Your Record" on SMA then made the mutual decision with my co-hosts @darrenclaxton & @onemedia to make a change.
We moved our Wednesday slot to a Friday onto...


..is a music based show that promotes Musicians, Songwriters, Producers and Music based projects on the Steemit Blockchain.

We give 6 guests a 20 minute slot to perform live and/or have their track played and talk about their music project.

Each guest will have their post promoted in live chat and shared with the listeners.

We highly encourage audience participation and thrive on listener engagement throughout the show.

As our audience grows we will provide cryptocurency incentives for artist participation and community stewardship in support of charity.

To be featured on the show you need to..

Musicians :

Have or create a post with your song.
( To benefit from it, the post shouldn't be older then 7 days )

Send the link of your post plus a YouTube, Soundcloud or Choon link of the track to @d-vine over on Discord.

Music Project Creators:

Have or create a post with your project, send it to @d-vine on Discord.

Any other links to promote the artist or project are welcome as well.

Deadline for submissions Thursday Noon!
CEST 12:00 pm
You can check your timezone Here



CEST 08:00 pm - 10:00 pm
UTC/GMT 07:00 pm - 09:00 pm
EDT 02:00 pm - 04:00 pm
PDT 11:00 am - 01:00 pm
You can check you timezone Here

Be sure to listen on the
MSP Waves Website for top quality sound


"Spotlight on The Artist" proudly sponsors


A project inspired by @d-vine


GAIA INTERVENTION wants to promote a more united world & a more unified awareness!

Anyone who has the desire to help can act as an agent and speak through actions.
It’s a movement to inspire, a movement to nurture awareness of humanitarian and ecological, happenings, concerns, concepts and perspectives.

GAIA INTERVENTION is named to honor the global life force that connects wo/mankind, the planet and all that call GAIA home. The intervention aspect is up to us all.

Our goal is to connect, to promote global unity, to inspire, share ideas and potential so we can synergize the power of the collective energies.

That’s it!! Are you inspired yet?

If you agree that unity is the only way for wo/mankind to move forward on this amazing journey. If you believe that wo/man’s success and the planet’s success are one and the same.

Then you can agree that the concept of a GAIA INTERVENTION maybe our only hope to alter the self destructive course we are all on,


Like it or not we are in this, together.

So lets make the best of it, together!

Make a collective. Share ideas and resources. Help others because you can!


It’s up to you now.

Here is a recap of SPOTLIGHT ON THE ARTIST put together by my rad co-host Zig @onemedia...

Latest Show Recap: SPOTLIGHT ON THE ARTIST, Friday 18:00-20:00 UTC on MSPWaves Radio

Thanks to the wonderful @prc a very successful Gaia Intervention happened here...

Changing lives Monday: Do you feel like helping others today?! - my 1st Steemian anniversary post

Why do I want to win??

To be able to support more, that simple!

Who can Vote?

Eligible voters that nominated during the Nomination Round.
You have one week (until the post pays out) to comment with "vote" underneath my name.
If you want to that is. ;)

Thank you <3

Huggins, D-VINE


I did answer VOTE to what you linked.
by the way, how do I link to comments as you did?

Vielen Dank! <3
What do you mean link the comments? Do mean the hyperlinks in the post?

yes, you linked directly to the comment in the minnowhelper post, not the post itself.
I know how to do that, when I get an answer to a comment of mine, then I access it via steemworld and copy the link in the tab of my browser, same as I do, when I want to copy a link of a post.

But I wouldn't know how to link to it without steemworld or if it is a comment I didn't comment on :D.

Don't bother if that is too cryptic, I am gonna find it out some day^^

Hahaha, this is too funny! I didn't even realize I did that, ahahaha...

Here is what must have happened... I checked my mentionings on Steemworld, followed the URL link from there to the comment, when I pressed "View the full context" it stayed in the comment URL & I didn't notice, ahaha.

So, how to link a comment section... you can find the comment URL in the drop-down section of the comment on SteemWorld it's the "Permlink".

If it's someone else's comment, check their Steemworld account or look for the comment on their Steemit page under "Comments", when you found it press it, the URL is in your address bar ;)

thank you for the reply!
haha great story

"... or look for the comment on their Steemit page under "Comments", when you found it press it, the URL is in your address bar ;)"

oh my god, that is soo obvious...
that I didn't get that :(.
okay, but that's also good. I certainly won't forget that :D.

Hehe, you are too cute <3
I am happy I was able to help <3

On my waaaaaaaaay
And thanks for the reminder cos this is a crazy week for me

Yaaaaayyyy <3
You are too sweet @yidneth <3 Te amo cargas <3

Congratulations D!, you totally deserve this!

Thank you <3 I want to win because I believe artists like YOU deserve a bigger upvote <3