
Vielen Dank! <3
What do you mean link the comments? Do mean the hyperlinks in the post?

yes, you linked directly to the comment in the minnowhelper post, not the post itself.
I know how to do that, when I get an answer to a comment of mine, then I access it via steemworld and copy the link in the tab of my browser, same as I do, when I want to copy a link of a post.

But I wouldn't know how to link to it without steemworld or if it is a comment I didn't comment on :D.

Don't bother if that is too cryptic, I am gonna find it out some day^^

Hahaha, this is too funny! I didn't even realize I did that, ahahaha...

Here is what must have happened... I checked my mentionings on Steemworld, followed the URL link from there to the comment, when I pressed "View the full context" it stayed in the comment URL & I didn't notice, ahaha.

So, how to link a comment section... you can find the comment URL in the drop-down section of the comment on SteemWorld it's the "Permlink".

If it's someone else's comment, check their Steemworld account or look for the comment on their Steemit page under "Comments", when you found it press it, the URL is in your address bar ;)

thank you for the reply!
haha great story

"... or look for the comment on their Steemit page under "Comments", when you found it press it, the URL is in your address bar ;)"

oh my god, that is soo obvious...
that I didn't get that :(.
okay, but that's also good. I certainly won't forget that :D.

Hehe, you are too cute <3
I am happy I was able to help <3