THC | Lies of Society | Cannabis

in #marijuana8 years ago (edited)

Take a tour of your surroundings. Whether physical or virtual, it won’t be long until you find yourself accompanied by pictures of a 5 leaf plant, colors of red, green and yellow, and particularly the sounds of Bob Marley. Sounds which convey the joy derived from the plant from day to day becoming more plentiful.

The more you ponder our generation’s situation, the more the hypocrisy and faulty assumptions come into light. All coming from the same people who are supposed to drive our nation forward, as a group, instead of waging war against an omnipresent plant.

Interesting that a plant whose use began ten thousand years ago was made illegal, shunned and socially rejected.

Consider the point of view of a young teenager today. All of his favorite artists convey the message of Marijuana. They tell the story of the fun it can convey, the feelings of comfort it can elicit and the natural purity which is so appreciated by its users.
That same child, now in middle school, is told by the entity which is supposed to give him truth and guidance, that the consumption of such a thing is taboo.

No explanation.
No particular reason.
It’s illegal. That’s all.

Of course authorities don't clarify the reason for the illegality. How could it be? I would imagine such a clarification to be deceptive - not illuminating. For the punishment of dealing with Cannabis is done by the entity which thrives by the organization encouraging it.

We live in a country where we are raised to appreciate the value of Cannabis, then punished by its governing body for acting on the beliefs instilled in us.

Progress is the most sought after attribute of a successful society. Ironically, our progress in this matter is overshadowed by civilizations which lived thousands of years ago.

Take in the evidence, criticize it, filter out the bullshit and make the logical conclusion.



I think it's funny that our government holds a ton of patents on cannabis but won't take it off schedule one. No medical benefit......haha. Yet there is legal medical marijuana states throughout the country. Its all about money and control that's it. I don't know how someone else thinks they can tell me what is ok to put in my own body. Especially when it's a plant from nature. Cannabis is a amazing medicine put here on purpose for us to use. Also the fact that hemp is illegal still blows my mind when it has no psychoactive thc in it. There are soo many uses for that plant it's crazy but these two plant would put way to many big businesses out of business and Congress would never take money from their own pockets given by special interests. Great post!