
It's not even 50K users, these are visitors (not logged in on-chain).

I don't think we have more than 5K daily users (in a sense of human beings) effectively transacting on the blockchain. The rest are bots and automated voting tools.

Advertisers will do their research, so there is no need to whitewash those numbers IMO.


That’s entirely incorrect. Yesterday alone we had 300k unique visitors.

That's what I mean. You talk about "community on a blockchain", but the numbers are referring to visitors of your website and not to community members / logged in users transacting on the blockchain. It's a misleading concept.

It's not, the graphic above says 1 million users and 50k daily active users - it does not say 300k unique visitors to the website. This is not misleading and is accurate.

Alrighty then :-)

I bet you a penny to a pound, that the majority of that 300k unique visitors were people from other platforms reading Steemit articles.

The fact is we as content creators have pushed Steemit results to the top of the Google tree, however joining is such a long-winded hassle that I doubt many of that 300k converted into users.

Or perhaps I'm wrong, maybe we got 300k unique visitors and 30k new user sign-ups?

No, I didn't think so.


Thank you @cryptogee! That was exactly what I was trying to say here, but I didn't find the right words.

Of course generates a lot of organic traffic through Google, I mean we've created huge amounts of content about any topic that exists in the world since three years now. But reading an article on doesn't convert you into a community member. Signing up does.

I've been doing Marketing since 13 years now, and if there is anything I've learned during that time then it's that you need to be honest no matter what. Marketing is always about telling stories, triggering emotions, getting people itchy. Yet, what you would never do is giving a promise you cannot keep. Cause then you'd be gambling away people's loyalty.

IMO there is no need to tell people that we have 1 million users on the blockchain for two reasons: a) It's not true, and 2) nobody would expect that. We have an amazingly strong community of a couple of thousand content creators, highly committed to both Steem and crypto in general. That's something we can all be very proud of.

If I was in charge, I would confidently sell exactly that. Just that.

Again, thanks for stopping by and have a nice Monday!

@justinw said 300 Unique Visitors and not DAU = Daily active users. 300K unique visitors is "News portal" size.

Yeah, i actually picked up a few STEEMIT articles being used as sources for youtube videos with hundreds of thousands of views.
Steemit is by far the most used dapp. Problem is that people arent jumping on.

Thanks for this number. If possible, could you share something about the current ads/banner ads revenue? Is it helping you guys with costs?

@justinw - with 300K active users, I still don't understand why we are not doing programatic ad-buying and setting up private market places like everyone else in the world. I feel like what is doing right now what yahoo was doing in 1990s. There is no need to run a banner advertisement to get targetted, well paying ads with good fill rate. :-(

He's not saying 300k active users, he is saying that there are 300k visitors per day. Apparently around 50k of these are registered users, and the rest are just browsing.

These are 50K accounts transacting, not users. We may have about 10K unique users (in a sense of human beings) effectively transacting on Steem on a weekly basis. Some of us have 1 account and some like berniesanders have hundreds.

We need to be realistic and keep our feet on the ground...

Ah, that's a good point. I guess most transactions are done by people who autovote etc.

@valth: You are correct. I got mixed up. Being said, that 300K unique daily visitors is a massive number and everything else I said is still valid.

Yeah, it's definitely a lot of visitors, but probably a lot less than anyone was hoping for at this point.

I beg to differ. 300K Unique users is an excellent number - for a news portal.

But for Steemit, what matters in the long terms as a blockchain backed social media app is DAU aka Daily Active Users. So's advertising initiative should outstandingly well with 300K Unique visitors but will not mean anything for the blockchain as such. Further, the non-stickiness of the unique visitors, ie if there is no major part of them coming, back, it will create issue for "private ad-market" places : ie the kind of Yahoo-1990s like initiative which Steemit-Inc is doing now will not work really well in the period of 3-6-12 months duration if the number of unique visitors and bounce rates keeps increasing.

I think the estimate is closer to 15k human daily, but maybe @abh12345 knows more.

Mister Numbers should know, yeah :-)

There's about 13K blog posts (comments excluded) submitted to the chain daily. Considering that some are automated and also that many users have several accounts, we may consider that there's a total of 5-8K active community members behind it. But that's just my guess.

Ash @abh12345 do you have those numbers? :-)

I would say 10000 is a fair guess at active people posting each week if you assuming that everyone has at least 2 accounts and some have 100's.

Oh you even published the answer one week ago, that’s awesome 😃👍

Thanks for the reference!


It's tough to give a solid answer, but it's much less than 50k active contributors week to week, which is a number I've heard being put out.

We should be more realistic!

@penguinpablo does daily steem stats and from them you can find out the actual number of users ACTUALLy using steem which can be seen with Posts that have comments, or accounts that are actually making transactions

here is a great way to guess at active users,

Daily accounts transacting

and the average seems to be a little under 50K which seems REALISTIC

A 'transacting account' is a Steem account that made at least one transaction on the Steem blockchain. This can be a vote, post, comment, transfer, power up or sbd conversion. Users who only read from the Steem blockchain without interacting are not included. The actual number of 'Active users' is therefore much higher than the accounts transacting.

Yeah I think the question was based around individuals. I have 6/7 accounts transacting daily - main, actifit, old witness, ENGAGE token, drugwars x 2. Some people have a lot more, but some also use only one and so working out how many humans are behind the daily total of transacting accounts is trickier.

The question was how many people - in a sense of human beings - are active on Steem. We came to the conclusion that there's probably about 10K loyal users executing those transactions with their main and alt accounts. Just think about how many accounts people like berniesanders have.

It's a small but a strong community that can create an impact if necessary.

hey hey hey..

Don't say it out loud...

It's funny because it's true