Day 3 of Seven Days of Gratitude | Facing my Selfishness... | #MeditationMarchsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #meditation7 years ago (edited)

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Maybe I struggle with Gratitude because, I’m selfish.

Ouch. That’s a hard one to swallow. As someone who has no problem giving to others and often does so, to the point of her own exhaustion, among all my flaws, selfishness isn’t usually among my greatest hits.

Today in my gratefulness meditation, I was confronted with the word MORE.

The need for more, to sustain what I have, and to build on top of that, to clutch so tightly to the things that I think I need in my life or that will make me happy that I’m so focused on retention, I seldom enjoy them.

The pursuit of more is keeping me from happiness, and keeping me from gratefulness. -- I’m selfish, greedy and impatient.

In this focused meditation, the guide prompts you to think of a time you were grateful… immediately I was transported to this moment in Portugal.


It was our last day and we decided to head to the top of the park that we could see daily from our hotel room. It was a beautiful sunny, day and from up there you could see all the way down to the water.


I sat near the glittering fountain, under the massive flag of Lisbon, grateful for time with @teamhumble, grateful to be in a country I thought I’d never see, grateful that we actually made it to steemfest against so many hurdles and logistics. Grateful I was having an experience with someone I love so deeply.


It was one of those moments that stops you in your tracks and smacks you in the face with gratitude.

When I returned there in meditation today, I was instantly saddened. By the fact that it was over, the fact that in a few weeks I’ll be leaving my love again, and by the anxiety of how in the world Id be able to achieve any type of permanence that could get me back so we could have moments like that...


Selfish I know. It’s hard for me to admit. I’m not a materialistic person, I’m generous with my time and assets and I often put myself last over the needs of others, but when it comes to chasing a life with someone I love, living a life that makes me happy and expressing myself in the way I feel I’m meant to, I’m greedy as all hell, and impatient to boot.

When we were at the top of that park, enjoying the beautiful view, there were planes constantly swooping down to the nearby airport right over our heads, and so I’ve decided, as a part of my practice of gratitude that whenever I see or hear a plane overhead, I’m going to take a moment to be grateful for where I am, who I am and what I have, no matter what the circumstance.


The teacher guiding the meditation called these reminders Gratitude Signs. But I prefer “Sleeper cell of Thankfulness, Triggered by Aviatory Activity”.

I hope you had a lovely Day 3, or day whatever depending on when you’ve started. It’s making me so happy to see you guys jumping in on Discord and sharing your posts and experiences while meditating this month. I’m so thankful for the awesome folks in this community




If you’re meditating with us through the Month of march, feel free to use the hashtag #MeditationMarch and join us on Discord so we can share thoughts and encourage each other!

Not sure what #MeditationMarch is all about?

>> Check out this post for all the details! <<


It is so important to live in the thankful moments. To relish what you have and revel in what you have had in the past that now provides fond memories.

I am going to your first meditation march post now, im so out of the loop since our 3 day power loss. Im thankful today for internet and heat :)

YAY! those are the big three for sure! Glad to have you back @donadavisart and glad you guys are back in action <3- sending warm thoughts!

Wow! 3 day power loss, that will give one lots to be grateful for! Hope you stayed warm ❤

That's really amazing and deep words, and yes when it comes to our loved one's or loved moments we sometimes becomes selfish because at last we are human beings and we don't want to miss this moment or people but we have to get the realisation that our world is dynamic and our nature of living too, so we will not face the same circumstances all the time. And great thing in life is self understanding and self realisation and we can achieve it through deep self introspection and this introspection we can achieve from meditation because meditation will take you to closer towards your innerself. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Thanks for the encouragement @chireerocks I’m certainly thankful for the opportunity to know myself better each day and try my new to improve upon that 💕

Welcome and nice to hear that. 🙂

Oh so much gratitude for the Portugal trip! Meeting new people, learning, embracing inner sillys, all wonderful things Im grateful for from that trip :)

That trip honestly blew my expectations out of the water. I couldn't believe there were so many cool folks who were as crazy as I am all in the same place. Certainly proud to call myself a steemian after that trip...also the food....

Somedays it is difficult to be grateful. The sounds of everyday life overshadow and colour what we are perceiving. Right now I am grateful for my sons, and especially my little granddaughter who keep me centered.

That's awesome! And a perfect place to start. I know as long as I'm breathing I at least always have 1 thing to be grateful for, but the best part of practicing gratefulness, is it really rewires your brain to continue looking for things to be grateful for even when you're not even trying!

After all the brain is a muscle just like any other! <3 Keep focusing on the things that make you smile, soon the effects will begin to snowball<3