Meditation Effect for Hormonal Balance and Happiness

in #meditation6 years ago

In a world that we live in, chaos makes more sense than calmness. We have actually become much more attached and habituated to the hullabaloos of life and thus we tend to give lesser importance to the serenity that it has in store for us. In short, people have accepted that by being chaotic you can get better outcomes from life rather than preferring solitude and while doing so, they stop enjoying their life. 

They just act like living creatures with automated modes of running, almost like robots; a fixed routine on weekdays and an off day means sending it partying because that’s the only way you can show off your ‘coollness’ and smartness to the ‘so-called’ modern society. In the midst of all these, they forget that a calm and poised mental health condition is necessary for building a healthy life and thus they become frustrated and depressed with passing times. 

And when one fine day they lose all hope, they tend to seek help for bringing back the actual happiness in their lives. Out of all the ways to be happy, performing meditation works wonder in creating a perfect hormonal balance to lift up the mood of a person and bring in positive energy to deal with life. That is why the mental health experts always advise those who suffer from pain and agony to practice meditation and avoid being chaotic in life is that they learn to be happy from within.

Why being happy is no more a luxury but a necessity these days?

People are so indulged in their day to lives that they seldom take time out for either themselves or their friends and family. The bond of friendships are actually very strong and plays a key role in bringing happiness into someone’s life. Friendship is also one kind of a bond that brings happiness into your life.
The feeling cannot be expressed in words when anyone asks you to explain the depth of the relationship that you have with your friends. And the friends who actually help you become happier can be considered as the true friends of your life. Happiness is very necessary to lead a healthy life and there are ways through which people choose to be happy. 

One of these effective ways is to practice meditation also. When you meditate profoundly and consistently, it calms down the agitated nerves of your brain and helps you attain inner solace. Also, it builds a positive vibration in your mind that leads to hormonal changes and thus uplifts your mood to a greater extent.
Thus, choosing mediation or other ways like spending time with friends and family is actually beneficial for your health and should be practiced generously. As because a stressful life not only brings you a disturbed mental health but also drags you to a hazardous physical health condition.

The final take

The effect of mediation is evident when we practice it in a consistent manner. As it helps to boost the ‘feel good’ hormones in our body like serotonin and dopamine, it automatically makes our mood lighter by a notch higher.
Also, it shells out a positive energy and vibe to our brain which receives it enthusiastically and transfers the positive energy in a way that lifts our mood and makes us happier. But one must remember that if they think that meditating for one day would be enough to bring back the positive changes in life then they are heavily wrong as because being consistent in what you do is the only way you can achieve success in that parameter of life.
So, the next time life tries to break you down into pieces, fight back and prove life that “every cloud has a silver lining” by dealing with difficulties with a positive energy rather than slipping into depression or being stressed out.