Hunting God: A HowTo, Day 24 - I will trust the Inner Voice over the outer

in #metaphysics8 years ago

Day 24 - I will trust the Inner Voice over the outer

The way you see it, your life has been a mixture of good and bad. Naturally, you seek to neutralize the bad and hold to the good as much as possible. In seeking to keep the good that is in your life you seek to strengthen the source of that good. You have often attributed that source to the outer gods you hold dear. Giving your outer gods credit for the good in your life has created a problem. It causes many seekers to look on to their outer gods as their rock to follow and ignore their true source, the voice of God that speaks within.

Think for a moment on why so many ignore the inner voice and follow the outer. What is the real reason?

The answer is simple. It is fear.

Why would anyone fear the real voice of God?

I can personally trace the answer to me way back to my teenage years when I first started attending church. After a Sunday school class a number of us boys got together and shared some conversations before heading home. We started talking about the Second Coming of Jesus and how different everything would be when that occurred.

Then one of the boys said this: “I hope He doesn’t come for a long time because there’s a lot of things I want to do in life first.”

Everyone else nodded in agreement. I could tell they all felt the same way.

In other words, these boys had certain things that they saw as their present and future “good” that was granted to them by their current gods, and any appearance of a true God or messenger would spoil it for them. They expected Jesus to be a “Debbie Downer” who would deprive them of all the good things in their life.

They feared an appearance of Jesus and didn’t want him to show up in their lives.

The same principle applies with seekers when making the choice between the inner and outer god. Many fear that true spiritual contact will guide them in such away that all the fun will be gone and a boring existence will be their lot.

“Better the devil you know than the one you don’t” is the guiding principle for many. The outer gods promise spiritual bliss after death, but allow you to go your merry way (with a few restrictions) during life.

The thought of the switch from the outer to the inner brings fear of change to many for they are not certain what that change will be. Few will admit they have a fear of relying on the inner voice, but the fact that the outer is almost always chosen over the inner shows that the fear is there. Few are willing to honestly face and dispel it.

At this point it is important that the seeker realize that the inner God is not like the strict step parent that doesn’t let you have any fun. It is the outer gods who are the strong authorities. The inner God is like a kind parent who allows the child to have its fun. Even if you do wild and crazy things, the true Parent just sits back and relaxes until you come to your senses and are willing to listen.

Then, when the true voice speaks, it leads you to new vistas of existence and experience. The true path leads to great adventure, the furthest thing from boredom.

You can find the true voice and the true path, for they are equally available to all. Rest assured the reward is worth the effort.

Your assignment today is to merely think about preparing your mind and heart for greater revelation, not from without, but within yourself. Read the following and think on it throughout the day.

If you follow the highest you know there will come a time when you will be visited by a Presence, either visible or invisible. It will come at a time that you least expect it and a time when perhaps you feel the least prepared spiritually, but it will come.

To dream and wish for the experience will only delay the happening. But if you take the highest you know and go forward in the vineyard of the Master and serve with no end in sight, in season and out of season, in good times and bad; if you serve with love in the dark of night with the same strength as in the light of day; if you continue with loving service through the fiery darts of hate, malice and betrayal; and above all, if it appears that even your Master and your God seem to completely ignore you as if you do not exist…

Through all this you will continue to serve with the highest you know. You continue even if God himself seems to be your enemy putting every obstacle possible in your path and laughing at you as you stumble and fall. You rise up and continue. The time comes that it will not seem to matter to you any more if friends, God or the Masters approve of you or not. It matters not if you are some great chosen one or are looked upon by the Master as the least and most needy of the brethren. You will now serve for the sake of selfless love alone because the need is out there and you sense the need.

When this stage is reached within yourself, one of the Great Ones will take notice and speak: “Behold, the servant! He has become as one of us. Let us invite him into the circle of higher friendship, brotherhood and service.”

But even here the invitation comes not as you expected. All your expectations are shattered and soon replaced by newer ones, and the groping in the dark is replaced by walking the path with vision. The reward for your selfless service is sight and as you see the path ahead your heart is filled with joy, for that which you see is not what you imagined, but more than you imagined.

Copyright by JJ Dewey

Day 23 - Words hide truth as well as reveal

Day 22 - I will identify my outer gods

Day 21 - My first false gods

Day 20 - I will replace theory with experience

Day 19 - I am discovering the key to recognizing the true God

Day 18 - I will obey the first commandment

Day 17 - I accept the true God over the false today

Day 16 - I will find the source of guilt

Day 15 - I see a difference between guilt and regret

Day 14 - I will discover the cause of guilt

Day 13 - I will be honest about my feelings

Day 12 - I will let my feelings express themselves

Day 11 - I will communicate my grievances and let them go.

Day 10 - I will change my mind today

Day 9 - The Two Grievances

Day 8 - I will find my grievances

Day 7 - I will examine my feelings today

Day 6 - My feelings hide the light of the soul

Day 5 - I use my feelings; my feelings do not use me

Day 4 - I am not my feelings

Day 3 - I see this world for what it is

Day 2 - I See My Body For What It Is

Day 1 - Who or what am I?

NOTICE: Although posted here with permission of the author, I am not the originator of this content and should the originator eventually see fit to begin posting here, I will leave it to him.