ベランダPCの雨対策 (Measures against rain in the outdoor-server)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #mining7 years ago

English see below






  • 吸気を行い、上部で排気を行う
  • 吸気は自然吸気とし、排気についてのみファンを利用しています
    • 吸気にファンを利用することによる雨の侵入を恐れたためです
    • また絵では1か所しか吸気がありませんが、実際は3か所から吸気を行っています
  • さらに吸気口にはガラリというブラインド状になっているものをつけることで雨の侵入を防止
  • 加工部は止水パテなどできちんと穴埋めを実施する
  • 機材(グラフィックボード)は吸気口より高い位置に設置
  • 高熱の発生源(グラフィックボード)を下部に設置 ※これは熱対策ですね
  • 電源は下吸気、排気口向け排気として熱排気効率を上げようとしています。





I was able to surpass the typhoon of the other day safely
This time I would like to talk about measures against rain of veranda mining PC.

Since the original veranda box itself is supposed to not rain in the first place,
For the countermeasures as a veranda PC, countermeasures such as drilling for intake and exhaust are mainly dealt with for measures against heat.

First, I tried to create a veranda PC whole drawing with a complicated paint ^ ^;

The points you are careful about are as follows.

  • Intake air and exhaust at the top
  • Intake is naturally aspirated, and we use fans only for exhaust
    • It is because I was afraid of rain invasion by using fans for inspiration
    • In addition there is only one place of inspiration in the picture, but in fact we are inspiring from 3 places
  • In addition, it prevents rain from entering by attaching what is blinded like lily to the inlet
  • Perform proper filling in the processed part with a watertight putty etc.
  • Equipment (graphic board) is located higher than the inlet
  • Set up the source of high heat (graphic board) at the bottom ※ This is a measure against heat
  • The power supply is trying to raise the heat exhaust efficiency as the lower intake air and exhaust for the exhaust port.

This is the inlet. In this way, we installed a gully to prevent rain from entering.
Also, I would like to talk about another occasion, because a ventilator filter is also affixed to prevent dust from entering
It seems that even if there is rain like that coming from the side, it can be prevented.

Although measures are not taken especially for fan on the exhaust side, due to considerable high rotation and high pressure type fans,
If air intake by suction is sufficient, I think that there is no reverse flow such as rain, but if possible, ventilator fan hood etc.
It is better to install.

That is the basic idea of ​​the veranda PC, the story of measures against rain.
Well then, everyone, a good veranda server mining life!