My first song (kinda)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

My First Song
Well, that statement about the song I’m about to share is a bit misleading. I did in fact write a few songs as a teenager. They were ehhh ok. In my young twenties I wrote a jokey song “the grassroots song” about me and my friend’s crazy endeavors at an annual musical festival (our favorite shit show). But in my later twenties I felt a call to really dive into music. Not just playing with my buddies at a party or in my living room alone, but to out in public. It started with the open mics. I’d play my best cover tunes, and always have encouraging responses from the audience. Even though I was nervous as hell, and didn’t know how to use a microphone. I also probably drank too much beer to curve the scariness of stage (always getting in that last pee while the previous performer was doing their last song). I’d work up my courage, get up and play, and alas! People liked me!
Me at an old open mic:

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That was satisfying at first. I’m getting out there, I’m doing it! But it wasn’t enough. My brother-in-law (dreemit’s husband) told me that I should get out and play beyond the open mics. I should make a goal to one day play at that same music festival my friends and I partied so hardy at. I said, “There’s one problem- they don’t have cover artists there, it isn’t a bar. I don’t write my own songs I’m not an artist!”

His reply, “Well then get writing. It’s obviously in your blood. Your father writes, your sister writes, and you too are good with words. Look at that grassroots song!”

The problem was that all of the music I ever listened to had depressing lyrics. Made me think I had to be sad, or angry to be interesting. But I wasn’t sad or angry, so that wouldn’t work. As my sister ingrained into my head, I have to honest and real to be a writer. Even if it’s fictional, the feelings have to be true.

I started listening to a folk-rock group called The Avett Brothers. I even by happenstance met their parents in Rochester just a few days before a sold out show I attended. What was special about the Avett Brothers to me is that their writing, though it could be depressing, often was not. They were writing about their life experiences, their family, and they had a lot of love for those things. So I thought, if they can write about their normal lives and captivate me, maybe I can do the same.

So this was my first completed song as Ed Iseley the singer-songwriter. I wrote this at the tail end of my 28th year, though the song is called “29”. I was feeling at a crossroads with work, feeling like I wasn’t doing anything important or productive (in the lifetime achievement sense), my father had a spinal injury causing a new onslaught of health issues, and I just didn’t know what to do.

And so, here’s a recording off of my first album of that first (kinda) song. It ain't my best, and it's always easy to critique earlier works, but I'm still proud for what it is: (click bottom link if outside USA)

For outside of the USA click bottom link:


It's nice to have you on Steemit. You've come highly recommended and we hope you enjoy the community!

I appreciate the warm welcome! I'm already really happy to be a part of this community. This is a much more special social media platform than I've ever seen. It thrives on positivity rather than negativity- I love it!

Well deserved recommendations I might add, he is brilliant!

Ah jeez... You really brought the feels with this one, brother! Damn these ninjas cutting onions!! Oh wait no, the wind must've kicked up some dust.. some just got into my eye, s'all. Damnit... I thought I was ready to write a comment, but I fear that I'm not. I'm leaving this draft here for when my fingers stop trembling.

Whew! Okay, so after a couple of hours of repeating the song over and over again... Man, why do you insist on singing the soundtrack of my life!? I'm questioning whether I was channeling your conscience or it had been you who has been tapping into mine all this time! Ed... I can't even. Wooo okay, I better call the plumber because the waterworks are leaky up in here. Hold on.

I feel like I need to provide some context so people don't mistake me as exaggerating. As of writing, I am 29 years old and I don't know what to do. I'm in a crossroads in my life right now. I don't have a stable job, I've been flipping between being a programmer and a writer, and I feel like I'm failing at both. I'm marrying the woman of my dreams, who's a beauty with a brain. She does continue to say that she'll support whatever I might choose. No, I'm not quoting the lyrics of your song. This is really happening to me right now. I am waiting for a sign with every fiber of my being because I'm sure I've missed a ton before. My life's not a total mess, but I do wish it was meant for more.

Seriously. When I sent the link to my fiancee and told her that Linnet's brother sung it, she kept asking me if I wrote it behind her back and this was meant as a surprise. I told her it isn't, but she's convinced that it is. I told her it was your first song, and she was surprised because that's how I would write my life. Sure, I won't ever sing or play it as well as you do, but man...

I play the ukelele. I'm not that good, and by that I mean I'm not good at all. That doesn't stop me from playing it in the privacy of my home though. Do you mind sending the lyrics for this with the chords? I think the whole timing is a sign for us to play this "together". I would be very interested to do a rendition of this, even if I suck at singing and playing. Honestly, I feel like I would just be bawling half of the time.

Sorry for the post-like comment here. I'll end it at this. You're only two posts in and you're doing exponentially better than me! I'm so happy to see that :D Don't be fooled by the high earnings on the posts, I've been using a vote bot, paying it with my own money. Really though, I'm averaging just below $13 per post. But, it warms my heart to know that you're off to a running start, brother!

What a response! Thank you won't even cover it. And no, you don't need to apologize for singing my praises with multiple paragraphs. This kind of feedback is what keeps me going. I was hesistant to share this one as my next post, but I thought it would be good as a continued "intro" post. Now I know why I was compelled to share it. You needed to hear it. If I got 5 cents on this post and you sent me this comment it would've been more than worth my while.
Let's face it though, we both know why I'm doing so well, ehem... it rhymes with steemit. And Breemit. Any guesses?
I will try and get the lyrics and chords typed up for you soon. Do you have an e-mail you'd like me to send it to?
Ukuleles are sweet! Do you sing and play at the same time?
I really, really appreciate the encouragement! And I'm so glad that these words touched you. That's what this music thing is all about for me.

I not only needed to hear it, I needed to consume it. Or, let it consume me. And it did. This is how I've made genuine relationships here, through the comments. I guess you could say this is my bread and butter haha!

Schweemit? Gleemit? Heynowheynowdontblankitsoverit? I don't... I'm not good at this. I give.

I'll shoot Linnet my email so she could send it over to you, brother! :D Man I'm getting excited! I know I'm going to botch it, but still. It excites me nonetheless.

I try to sing and play at the same time. Now, by "try" I want you to imagine a seal trying to operate heavy machinery.

haha! Linnet just sent me your e-mail. I'll get it typed up for you soon, brother!

Woohooo!! Looking forward to it, brother! I hope I could do this song justice haha!

Love the honesty and modesty Ed but unfortunately I couldn't get the video at the end to play mate. It says the video is not available. :(

Thanks Tony! It should be fixed now, just click the bottom link. Let me know if the 2nd link doesn't work!

You can never drink too much beer to scare away the fear of going on stage lol

Bizarrely your video is not available in the UK!?? Madness!

Strangely, I have no problem being on stage even when I'm sober. I have more anxiety over meeting people IRL or going to family functions. LOL

I had a little back in the starting days of my band but it was quite astonishing the difference after a year or so of gigging. I was a confident sumbitch!

It's true, I lost that anxiety a long time ago. I still drink the beer though out of respect for my roots... just not as much, my three hour gigs only allow for one pee break!

Gotta respect those roots but it's true about the peeing thing. Once you pop the cork, you're done. lol

Ah yes, the peeing thing. Thats a damn long set. The most we ever did was about 50 mins!

It should be fixed! BTW your blog "Sicked" was hilarious. You have a gift for comedic writing. "we thought you knew..."

Cheers man, I do indeed! :O)

Apparently the video is fixed. I am about to view it and do not worry. Unlike the tearmonger @jedau I shall not weep. Even if the universe demands it!

Listened to it, great stuff man!

Thanks Boom! Glad I got the second one to work. It's okay to be in touch with your sensitive side, don't fight it! Embrace it!

Must fight ... Emo...tion!!! :OD

I know right? He's working on it now to see if he can do something about it.

Welcome dear friend @ ed-the-songster, I wish you much success !!!!!
Have a great day

Thank you kindly! Look forward to running into you more

Your sister @dreemit is a very smart lady! Honesty in writing is what connects us. I'm of the thought that if one cannot feel the emotion of their own words then how the hell could we hope anyone else to find a connection?

Fiction or not, dig deep. Slice open the creative vein and bleed all over those pages.

Indeed. Are you a songwriter as well?

I have written song lyrics but they're collecting dust, leaning more toward fiction. I think part of that is because I can't jam and don't have an instrument beyond my voice. Totally envious of people who can gather and throw something out. There's magic in that!

I love writing poetry too and had a similar problem of being unable to write it unless I was in a dark place or had my heart ripped out. I think in my old age I've learned to channel those places now :)

Haha I'm 49 and in the same boat! I loved your song :)

Thank you so much!

Well Well @ed-the-songster! It's been quite the pleasure to step into your blog, to enjoy your sense of style, your song, these comments and the thought that you're the sibling of our beloved @dreemit!

I especially loved reading @jedau's comment, as it's so great how connections happen so instantly, and for reasons we may never have guessed would be. I'm so glad you've finally made it to Steemit, and I'm sure, if you're anywhere near the human being your sister is, you'll fit right in. So grateful to hear your song and to have you here. Many blessings to you, and welcome to Steemit.

Jed's comment! When I play out at various venues, the pay normally is pretty similar, But the reactions are not. I could be paid $50 less, and if i get a response half as much (seriously half!) as @jedau gave me I am once again revitalized into my music. Thanks for listening!

Love and appreciation are actually way more valuable than money, as money is transitory and a means to an end, not a sustainable one that touches the soul. Grateful to hear you and that you are sharing yourself here on Steemit.

Wow! Wow! Wow! An amazing song! I think everyone can relate to the lyrics! My daughter is 31 and has been feeling those very feelings since she was 29!

Last year she stepped back from her lucrative, high level position in the highly competitive ad agency world. She is a recognized pioneer in the social media arena. Last month she opened her tea shop. That has been her dream for several years. It is a joy to come in every day and see her relaxed, smiling and loving what she is doing!

Keep on writing. Keep on singing. You have messages the world needs to hear!

Really awesome to hear your daughter is doing that makes her happy. That's truly inspirational. I will keep on moving forward with what I'm doing. Thanks for listening!

Captivating lyrics. Held me to the final chord. A distinctive voice as well. Don't let that woman get away and keep publishing on steemit, is my one cent worth anyway. 😎

Glad you enjoyed it! Oh and don't worry, I'm married to her and we have a baby. I got that locked down!