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RE: My first song (kinda)

in #music7 years ago

Ah jeez... You really brought the feels with this one, brother! Damn these ninjas cutting onions!! Oh wait no, the wind must've kicked up some dust.. some just got into my eye, s'all. Damnit... I thought I was ready to write a comment, but I fear that I'm not. I'm leaving this draft here for when my fingers stop trembling.

Whew! Okay, so after a couple of hours of repeating the song over and over again... Man, why do you insist on singing the soundtrack of my life!? I'm questioning whether I was channeling your conscience or it had been you who has been tapping into mine all this time! Ed... I can't even. Wooo okay, I better call the plumber because the waterworks are leaky up in here. Hold on.

I feel like I need to provide some context so people don't mistake me as exaggerating. As of writing, I am 29 years old and I don't know what to do. I'm in a crossroads in my life right now. I don't have a stable job, I've been flipping between being a programmer and a writer, and I feel like I'm failing at both. I'm marrying the woman of my dreams, who's a beauty with a brain. She does continue to say that she'll support whatever I might choose. No, I'm not quoting the lyrics of your song. This is really happening to me right now. I am waiting for a sign with every fiber of my being because I'm sure I've missed a ton before. My life's not a total mess, but I do wish it was meant for more.

Seriously. When I sent the link to my fiancee and told her that Linnet's brother sung it, she kept asking me if I wrote it behind her back and this was meant as a surprise. I told her it isn't, but she's convinced that it is. I told her it was your first song, and she was surprised because that's how I would write my life. Sure, I won't ever sing or play it as well as you do, but man...

I play the ukelele. I'm not that good, and by that I mean I'm not good at all. That doesn't stop me from playing it in the privacy of my home though. Do you mind sending the lyrics for this with the chords? I think the whole timing is a sign for us to play this "together". I would be very interested to do a rendition of this, even if I suck at singing and playing. Honestly, I feel like I would just be bawling half of the time.

Sorry for the post-like comment here. I'll end it at this. You're only two posts in and you're doing exponentially better than me! I'm so happy to see that :D Don't be fooled by the high earnings on the posts, I've been using a vote bot, paying it with my own money. Really though, I'm averaging just below $13 per post. But, it warms my heart to know that you're off to a running start, brother!


What a response! Thank you won't even cover it. And no, you don't need to apologize for singing my praises with multiple paragraphs. This kind of feedback is what keeps me going. I was hesistant to share this one as my next post, but I thought it would be good as a continued "intro" post. Now I know why I was compelled to share it. You needed to hear it. If I got 5 cents on this post and you sent me this comment it would've been more than worth my while.
Let's face it though, we both know why I'm doing so well, ehem... it rhymes with steemit. And Breemit. Any guesses?
I will try and get the lyrics and chords typed up for you soon. Do you have an e-mail you'd like me to send it to?
Ukuleles are sweet! Do you sing and play at the same time?
I really, really appreciate the encouragement! And I'm so glad that these words touched you. That's what this music thing is all about for me.

I not only needed to hear it, I needed to consume it. Or, let it consume me. And it did. This is how I've made genuine relationships here, through the comments. I guess you could say this is my bread and butter haha!

Schweemit? Gleemit? Heynowheynowdontblankitsoverit? I don't... I'm not good at this. I give.

I'll shoot Linnet my email so she could send it over to you, brother! :D Man I'm getting excited! I know I'm going to botch it, but still. It excites me nonetheless.

I try to sing and play at the same time. Now, by "try" I want you to imagine a seal trying to operate heavy machinery.

haha! Linnet just sent me your e-mail. I'll get it typed up for you soon, brother!

Woohooo!! Looking forward to it, brother! I hope I could do this song justice haha!