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RE: (DTube Exclusive!) "Dying Inside" - Late Night Sessions

in #music7 years ago

Hello person. You asked for comments so here's one: that was better than I expected. At first when you just started going "yeah" to the music twice in a row it was kind of awkward (of course, you're not the only one to do this, and it's one of the things I usually find annoying about rap to be honest), but then you started rapping and it actually sounds good, man, so hey, keep it up. I'm gonna follow you, cause I wanna hear the whole thing when it's finished.


Hey man, I really appreciate it.

Yea, I totally get the whole "yea yea" thing. After you said that, going back and watching it, it is a little awkward. I appreciate you giving it a chance and ending up diggin it. Check tomorrow, or rather later today, for a second verse. Should probably have it done by tonight. Either way, will have something new up tonight either way.