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RE: Mystery Object Oumuamua: Interstellar Comet, Asteroid or Spacecraft?

in #news7 years ago

Wow, you know i initially planned to include project Blue Beam, the fake alien invasion (to solidify control) and Tom Delong in the original post but opted to keep it short and simple. I'm actually floored that you had the same thoughts about this notion of a slow disclosure. I think the alien disclosure may be used in several different ways and one of them would be as a pretext to usher in marshal law. This option is especially appealing to TPTB as they will be able to pass emergency legislation, à la Patriot Act, and completely wipe-away any investigations into corruption and consolidation of power that may be hindering their projects.

I like the cut of your jib @perceptualflaws, right on the money


Yes what better way to start a new world than an event/disclosure that rewrites the entire course of history and our perception of reality, a clean slate and a new foundation in which to build upon. I've also recently read several newspaper articles relating to prophets (and time travelers!) predicting alien invasions and it makes me wonder why the msm is giving them creedence and a platform? Misinformation and further tarnishing of the word "conspiracy"? well there is certainly an element of that. But when you put it all together and stand back there appears to be a synchronicity to these events. Something certainly appears to be stirring in the background of all of this, I know the script and I know how they slowly work ideas into the public subconscious. As an aside chemtrail metal particulates ionise the air and an ionised atmopshere would make some form of holographic projection far more acheivable.

Equally, I've been studying the UFO phenomenum/alien life and alternate dimensions since childhood and so I keep an extremely open mind in relation to their validity and I don't believe we're the only form of intelligent life in the universe. Something tells me that an alien civilisation intelligent enough to travel to and make contact with earth would not allow Government to be their official mouthpiece .. then again perhaps from a Government perspective they are aware of this potential public perception and that's how Mr Delonge's empowerment slots into a bluebeam style puzzle? Again to all Tom's fans I'm not suggesting he is aware of this and I'm happy to believe he has our best interests at heart but there is always a duality to Government involvment. This is a world of a million shades of grey and as such many perspectives and opinions remain open. I guess we shall find out what's going to happen as the next few years play out!