Welcome to the Garage Sale continuation Issue 2 - Velkommen til garasjesalgets forsettelse utgave 2

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

Here at the garage sales* everybody are welcome to sell something, make an auction, buy and bid.

Made by @lighteye

Recipe for selling something:

  • Write your own post where you as detailed as you wish presents what you sell and at what price.
  • Write a reply on this page where you briefly tell what you are selling, at what price and if there are any benefits for the buyer - CashBack, SBD from Upvoting in return etc.
  • Then paste a link to your own post.
  • Now you can paste a link from your post to your product here.

Now you have the chance that your product will be sold and you are friendly to the ecosystem. If your product is not sold the first time you try, you still have this benefits:

  • Steemians usually Upvote each other in here. What did you say? I earn money for trying to sell my stuff?
  • Try to understand the CashBack. I heard that it have happened that Steemians have got more SBD in CashBack than the price of the product when they bought it? Yes, that have happened! Nobody can promise that due to the nature of STEEM and SBD, but as you now understand the CashBack is usually BIG.
  • We have a lot of fun in here and sometimes we have games so you can win. Is there any games now? Yes, if you can guesstimate how many reply's this post will make (you can only guess once when you bid before we close this post) you will get some really big Upvotes (many, many $).

Made by @Lighteye

Norwegian version:

Her på garasjesalgs* sidene er alle velkomne til å selge noe, lage en auksjon, kjøpe og by.

Oppskrift for å selge noe:

  • Skriv din egen post hvor du så detaljert som du ønsker presenterer hva du selger og til hvilken pris.
  • Skriv en Reply på denne siden hvor du kortfattelig forteller hva du selger, til hvilken pris og hvilke fordeler du gir til kjøperen - CashBack, SBD fra Upvoting av din kommentar osv.
  • Så limer du inn linken herfra i din egen post.
  • Nå kan du lime inn en link i posten din hit (hvor det lønnsomme salget skjer).

Nå har du mulighet for at produktet ditt blir solgt og du er vennlig mot økosystemet. Hvis produktet ditt ikke blir solgt første gangen, har du forsatt disse fordelene:

  • Steemere Upvoter vanligvis hverandre her inne. Hva sa du? Tjener jeg penger på å prøve å selge tingene mine her?
  • Forsøk å forstå CashBack systemet vi kjører. Jeg har hørt det har hendt at Steemere har fått mer SBD enn de betalte for produktet når de kjøpte det? Ja, det har hendt. Ingen kan love at det skjer på grunn av STEEM og SBD sin natur, men som du da forstår så er CashBack'en vanligvis betydelig.
  • Vi har ganske mye moro her på sidene og noen ganger har vi konkurranser så du kan vinne. Er det noen spill på gang nå? Ja, hvis du kan tippe hvor mange Reply'er denne posten vil generere (du kan bare tippe en gang sammen med at du byr på en vare før vi stenger denne posten) får du noen store Upvoter (mange, mange $).


Auction 4 is closed - Auksjon 4 er stengt

Auction 5 is closed - Auksjon 5 er stengt

Auction 6 is closed - Auksjon 6 er stengt

Auction 7 is closed - Auksjon 7 er stengt

Issue 3 is out, read all about it ! - Utgave 3 er ute, få det med deg!

*Garage sale - n.

  1. A sale of used household belongings, typically held outdoors
    or in a garage at the home of the seller.
  2. Garage sale exist as a new *phenomena on steemit.com

*Phenomena - n. pl.

  1. An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses.
  2. pl. phe·nom·e·nons
    A remarkable or outstanding wonder.
  3. Physics: An observable event.

Auction nr 4 issue 2 closed - Auksjon nr 4 utgave 2 avsluttet

Look after auction 5

We start with an auction of our T-shirt. We still have all sizes, lady and men's model. Bid what you want and have fun. Remember our famous CashBack.

Vi starter auksjonen med vår T-trøye. Vi har fortsatt alle størelser, dame- og herremodell. By hva du vil og ha moro. Husk vår berømte CashBack!

" I need the T-shirt from @BabsBoard "
Regards, and let the fun begin.
@EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard

Hello everybody,

My first and last bid for the T-Shirt is 25 SBD, please stop here because i dont have t-shirts to wear and summer is soon.

You are the winner of auction 4 in Issue 2 @aminekad

Just send 25 SBD to @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address and country, + what size and modell you want. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only @BabsBoard and you that can read it.

The Upvote Cannon Boat will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.


Have a nice day and enjoy the CashBack

Best regards @EveryDayCoach at @BabsBoard

Dear @everydaycoach and @babsboard
The amount of 25 SBD has been transfered to @babsboard.

Thank you very much.

Best regards.


Jeg byr 10sbd DQmSFNsj69rALTFFToj5D3iHxLDjuGHBoiffyC7eGXzYtN8.jpeg

Whaaaat!! I don’t have more 😕

So good luck 👍🏼

Who knows who will win this auction? Maybe a third one, I wish you can win it next time.

Well done @aminekad, but we will not give up


Hi everybody,
I bid 5 SBD for the T-shirt
And I guesstimate this post will make 81 reply's

Okey, let me continue the fun here then! - Okei, la meg forsette morsomhetene da!

I can not live without the soft T-shirts from @BabsBoard - Jeg kan ikke leve uten de myke T-skjotene fra @BabsBoard

I bid 1 SBD - Jeg byr 1 SBD

I guesstimate this post will make 109 reply's - Jeg tipper denne posten vil få ca. 109 reply's

I am new at @Steemit and I do not have enough SBD to participate so give it to me when you get it.



You can buy Steen and SBD from an exchange ;)

Hi @valth
Can you tell me please how can i buy steem and SBD from an exchange :)

Hello STEEM and SBD @GaGaGo

First of all, there are numerous ways to by STEEM or SBD (Steem Dollars).

We will tell you about the cheapest way to do it. As you know Steemit is without fees, but the different institutions that sell and by is not.

@BabsBoard is a free market for all and we are without fees like Steemit. Just write a Reply in our Blog and say: I want to buy "20" STEEM at the price on https://coinmarketcap.com/

That way you get the prize in the market without fees. Now there is only one fee and that is the fee your bank will charge you for sending the amount from your bank account to the bank account of the person that sold you the STEEM.

We are clever, right?

Remember do not let anybody cheat you of your money. If the person do not have a high Reputation (60 or more) or are well known in here. Tell him to send the STEEM or SBD first.

If you want us to make an auction with some STEEM, just tell us the amount and we will put out an auction for you. That way you will also get some CashBack and maybe you get it cheaper than the market.

made by @LordOfTruth

Regards and have a super duper STEEM POWER DAY
@BabsBoard - We fix everything

Hi @babsboard and @everydaycoach
I wanna buy some SBD can anyone of you help me out?Getting-rich-GIF.gif

Hi @FruFiffi
Sure, we can help you out.
If you want you can send us info trough the wallet, Just send 0.001 and start the message with # and tell me how much you want. Then i will help you with getting some nice SBD:-)

I was very impressed by this wisdom that it really has a profound meaning

Thank you so @BabsBoard to share this information how to buy Steem or SBD. I joined @Steemit only 10 days ago. I didn't know all the rules & regulation. I am learning as quickly as possible.

Thanks again @BabsBoard.

Hi sir @babsboard,
It's so nice of you to answer my question, and thanks a lot for these explanations that will certainly benefit me.
best regards sincerely

I bid 12 STEEM - jeg byr 12 STEEM

You can never get enough of the famous t-shirt from @Babsboard
In case I win the auction I can pick it up at your office :)
power up flammer.jpg

P.S My guesstimate is 141 replies

Hi @babsboard,
I want this t-shirt which will be something tangible confirms my belonging to the world of steemit.
I bid 7 SBD
veruca_salt-400x300 (1).jpg
Good luck for all

You wrote on your profile : "don't waste your time!" So that's it! You jump quickly to 20 SBD!

Hahaha This is only the intensity of my desire to get it, but I will reduce my bid to give the opportunity to all and i wish good luck for everybody.

Hello guys,
I will try my luck to get this t-shirt and I hope I can get it and wear it this spring 😉

I bid 13 SBD 📣🔨

I guesstimate this post will make 65 reply's

The steemit’s T-shirt 👕 is back ?! 😻
My bid is 9 SBD🗣

Hello everyone
this time I want this t-shirt my new Bid is 10SBD

Hello ! I bid 5.5 SBD for T-shirt.

The T-shirt is mine this week so don’t try
My new bid 20SBD

Hello again everybody!

Auction 5 closed: Look for auction nr 6- Auksjon 5 er avsluttet: Se etter auksjon 6

Since our T-shirt auction is so popular, we kick off with another T-shirt auction. We still have all sizes, lady and men's model. Bid what you want and have fun. Remember our famous CashBack.

Siden vår T-trøye er så populær, drar vi i gang en ny T-trøye auksjon. Vi har fortsatt alle størelser, dame- og herremodell. By hva du vil og ha moro. Husk vår berømte CashBack!
CashBack 1.png

Let the fun begin and bid what you want.
@EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard

Have a good laugh:

I bid 27 SBD - Jeg byr 27 SBD

You are the winner of auction 5 in Issue 2 @Barbro

Just send 27 SBD to @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address and country, + what size and modell you want.

If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only @BabsBoard and you that can read it.

Lionel Messi will now give his signal to people
to come and give you CachBack.

Have a nice day
Best regards @EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard

Congratulations @barbro you deserve it🌹
wish us good luck for the next auctions

Yes, the video made me laugh a lot this is an entertaining and clever way to explain Bitcoin.

Hello again!
hoping to have it
My new bid is 25.5 SBD

As a big sister to you, I will give you the chance to get this t-shirt, because I see you are very eager to get it, but I do not guarantee you @Barbro's decision.
Overall, I wish you all good luck and I will try to get it at the next auction.


Dear to my heart @gagago I hope to have this chance 🧚🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

Hi @babsboard and @everydaycoach,


I hope to have the T-shirt
I bid 19

Reaally this once the T-shirt is mine


My bid is 17 SBD

Hello guys,
Here I am again 😊

I bid 5 SBD


They finished the auction before I was done bidding. So nice they put up a new T-shirt, as I said earlier can not live without the soft ones from @BabsBoard. I need more of them!

De avsluttet auksjonen før jeg var ferdig å by. Så fint at de la ut en ny T-skjorte, som jeg sa tidligere kan jeg ikke leve uten de myke fra @BabsBoard. Trenger flere av dem!

I bid 25 SBD - Jeg byr 25 SBD

I am sorry @barbro but I will try to have it this time with all my efforts, I will put a new offer despite that I have no more effort

Hello everyone!
My new bid is 21 SBD
Have a nice day 🦋

Hi Bidders,
My new bid is 24 SBD

Hi, I must have this T-shirt.
I love to wear soft and cozy shirts.
My bid is 12 SBD image

They finished the auction before I was done bidding. So nice they put up a new T-shirt, as I said earlier can not live without the soft ones from @BabsBoard. I need more of them!

De avsluttet auksjonen før jeg var ferdig å by. Så fint at de la ut en ny T-skjorte, som jeg sa tidligere kan jeg ikke leve uten de myke fra @BabsBoard. Trenger flere av dem!

I bid 1 SBD - Jeg byr 1 SBD

Hello, I bid for this t-shirt 26 SBD

Auction 7 is closed - Auksjon 7 er stengt

Auction 8 coming in issue 3 - Auksjon 8 kommer i utgave 3

Auction 7 Issue 2 - 20 STEEM ~~Auksjon 7 Utgave 2 - 20 STEEM

Do you need or want 20 STEEM then this auction is for you. You can bid with SBD or what ever you want.
When the auction is done you can pay with SBD, send money to our bank account or maybe you have some cool stuff you want to send us, then you bid with that.

Yes it is true the product this time is 20 STEEM

Trenger du eller ønsker 20 STEEM så er denne auksjonen for deg. Du kan by med SBD eller hva du måtte ønske.
Når auksjone er avsluttet kan du betale med SBD, sende penger til vår bank konto eller kanskje du har noe annet kult, da byr du med det.

@EveryDayCoach & @BabsBoard - We fix everything

Ok, @hasmez:-)

New bid 27.5 SBD

You are the winner of auction 7 in Issue 2 @frufiffi

Just send 27.5 SBD to @BabsBoard, in the memo just write auction 7.

The CachBack Upvote Aparatus will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.

Have a nice day and enjoy the CashBack

Best regards @EveryDayCoach at @BabsBoard


So cool. Thank you so much @everydaycoach and @babsboard.

The money is transferred.
Looking forward to see The CashBack Upvote Aparatus do it's work.

Can't wait for your next auctions in issue 3

Love your posts

Best regards a happy @frufiffi

Ok, my bidding stops at 45 USD because I have not more than this sum now!

So good luck @frufiffi!


Me too me too.... I want to join in since we are taking about a bargain...
I will bid 10SBD 135FCCAC-C70B-4631-9601-D26561D396A4.jpeg

I bid 22 SBD for 20 STEEM

Hi @BabsBoard and @EverydayCoach. My next bid is 21SBD bid 1.jpg

Hi again Dear friends,

My new bid is 35 USD via paypal


Hi @everydaycoach and @babsboard,

I bid 10 USD via paypal for the 20 STEEM


Auction on STEEM that is interesting! - Auksjon på STEEM det er interresant.

My new bid is 12 SBD - Mitt nye bud er 12 SBD - 12 SBD عرضي الجديد هو - Ma nouvelle offre est de 12 SBD - Mi nueva oferta es 12 SBD

The new 200 STEEM is out - Look at the video and have a good laugh..hi hi hi

My new bid is 25 SBD - Mitt nye bud er 25 SBD - 25 SBD عرضي الجديد هو - Ma nouvelle offre est de 25 SBD - Mi nueva oferta es 25 SBD

I want this.
My bid is 15SBD image

Hi @everydaycoach and @babsboard,

I bid 5 SBD

Hi everyone, My bid 26 SBD image

Yes, yes, yes @BabsBoard I want 20 STEEM

I have not been here so much lately because I have been looking for my dog .....He he he

I bid 3 SBD - Jeg byr 3 SBD

Hi dear bidders,

Here I am again with my calculations :
The current value of SBD according to coinmarketcap.com is 1.70 USD,
So 45 ÷ 1.70 = 26.4705882353 > 26
Isn't it @frufiffi? Ha ha ha

Hence my last offer of 45 USD is still valid


Kindest regards

Your calculation is correct @hasmez but now taken on coincap SBD = 1.76 USD :)
In any case the prices are in free fall :)

Hi dear bidders,

Let's do some math here :
The current value of SBD according to coinmarketcap.com is 1.81 USD,
So 45 ÷ 1.81 = 24.861878453 > 22 witch is the offer of Mr @tommyhansen

Hence my new offer is 45 USD for the 20 STEEM


PS : I pay only with paypal

Best regards

24 SBD FOR 20 steem image

Hi @BabsBoard & @EveryDayCoach

my bid is 11 SBD

Auction nr 6 issue 2 CLOSED - Auksjon nr 6 utgave 2 AVSLUTTET

The auction of our T-shirt is very popular these days. Is it the Springtime that does it or what?
We still have all sizes, lady and men's model. Bid what you want and have fun. Remember our famous CashBack.

Auksjonene med våre T-trøyer er veldig populære i disse dager. Er det våren som nærmer seg eller hva da?
Vi har fortsatt alle størelser, dame- og herremodell. By hva du vil og ha moro. Husk vår berømte CashBack!

Regards, @EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard

Hi everybody,

I didn't get that T-shirt yet so I will be very happy if I won in this auction.

My offer is 12 SBD

Hei @BabsBoard og EveryDayCoach, Kan ikke la denne trøya slippe unna meg da jeg sårt trenger en ny av disse flotte trøyene.
Mitt bud er - My bid is 27SBD,tommy bid.png

You are the winner of auction 6 in Issue 2 @tommyhansen

Just send 27 SBD to @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address and country, + what size and modell you want. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only @BabsBoard and you that can read it.
The Upvote Cannon Boat will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.

Have a nice day and enjoy the CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach at @BabsBoard

Good morning!
Last word last chance 🤞🏻

Have a nice day 🦋

Hi everyone! I will try my chance again
My bid is 15 SBD

Hello friends,
I'm still trying to win this t-shirt, my bid is 19 SBD2018-03-26-11-40-40-636.jpg

hi @EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard
I want the famous steemit t-shirt
my offer is 16 SBD

Great to see that you continue with your famous t-shirt. I hope to collect one this time.
My bid is 10SBD image

Hi @EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard
My bid is 17 SBD



Very happy to give us another chance to try, my bid is 20 SBD.



New bid. I really want this shirt.
My bid will be 20 Steem

I bid 21 SBD for the T-shirt

Hello everybody,
My offer is 24,5 SBD.

Regards for you all

Nå har jeg ventet i over en uke på at dere skulle poste en post som sa at sist post bare var en veldig tidlig aprilsnarr... men det var visst ikke det :(
dere som hadde noe så bra gående her!
men men, vi får følge med på @babsboard for flere handler.

En ting jeg lurer på, hvor er egentlig @mrKrille? kan ikke huske å ha sett han siden jeg var på besøk i lokalet til @babsboard første gang.
forresten så var det nok et hyggelig møte på kontoet deres når jeg plutselig kom innom der en tur i sist uke, takk for kaffe og hyggelig prat med både @ramta og @barbro, hyggelig å møte deg @barbro.

Håper virkelig at dere gjør en comeback etterhvert!
Håper også det blir Steemit seminar i Fredrikstad en gang (til sommeren kanskje?).
som en avsluttning tar vi en liten trall med selveste Tønes - Seminar Blues

Nok en gang jeg ikke fikk møte deg @Flatman, får håpe vi får til noe til sommeren da.
Jeg vet at @Ramta Reddington er en suveren kar som fort kan finne på noe sprell som å ha en liten uoffisiell samling, men vet også at han er en veeeeldig travel man om dagen så kan hende han trenger litt hjelp og det skal vi sikkert klare å få til :)


neste gang jeg kommer skal jeg passe på at jeg har bedre tid, kommer nok til å oppholde meg på østkanten i en uke eller to neste gang jeg kommer. men først må jeg ha meg ny bil, da golfen min har begynnt å synge på siste verset etter østlandsturen..
etter å ha gått gjennom sesong 9 av Lars og Lars på vgtv, så har jeg bare drømt om hur mycket stor gjedda som ska fås, gleder meg!

For guds skyld @Flatman, du må jo si i fra til meg når du skal hit for å fiske gjedde!!!
Jeg har jo 100-vis av gode plasser for stor gjedde. Har også noen store, feite damer på samvittigheten :)
Guider deg gjerne slik at vi i vert fall kan sikre deg en minst 5 kg, kanskje så mye som 10.
Bare hyl ut når du kommer og har lyst

Ja det skal jeg gjøre, det blir jeg jo nødt til, da det er du som vet hvor det skal fiskes :D
5kg sier du?!10kg?! :O tror jeg må ta med alt av fiske utstyr jeg har i tilfelle noe går i stykker.
må jeg ha stål line eller funker det greit med fireline?

5 kg skal i vert fall være grei skuring så lenge du har noen timer å sette av i løpet av kveld/natt.
Vi bruker stålvaier som fortom. Alt annet blir klippet i stykker av sylskarpe gjeddetenner.
Er vi heldig får vi stor Gjørs som bifangst.

jeg kommer nok til å sette opp hengekøya i skogen ved vannet, så jeg har nok av timer å slå ihjel.
da må jeg skaffe meg stål fortom og lære meg å bruke fluestanga mi som ligger å støver ned.
er det noen spesielle fluer den biter best på? våt eller tørr? hvis du har bilder av noen bra fluer hadde vert kjekt, så jeg kan lage meg etpar

Etter gjedde er det ikke så ofte jeg bruker flue faktisk. Her går det mer i Wobblere eller agn.
Men, vi kan godt teste ut flue også. Da er det store fluer i skrikende gule og grønne farger, hvit og rød eller man kan fiske med mus imitasjoner.
Men, skal vi ta de store på sommeren er det meite med mort eller laue som gjelder. Da fisker vi fra land fra tidlig kveld til litt ut på morgenen.

Hi Babs & Board,

My book has arrived to Fredrikstad today!


I have traced it and this is its path :


Good reception

Hi everybody,
My second Bid is 20 SBD
And I hope to get it in order to wear it at the Women's Day party which will be held next week in the city where I live😊.

Hello everyone

I put on sale this week traditional Moroccan bag

the post link:https://steemit.com/norway/@hope-espoir/for-sale-traditional-moroccan-bags

price :50SBD

we do not forget the famous cash back

Hello everyone!
I'm back with my traditional jewels,
this time I put on sale a necklace with a new material « silver » 2 pieces in 1.

Price: 45 SBD
PS: for the garagesale´s friends, I will offer a small gift to discover at the reception of the necklace in case of purchase.
not forgetting the famous Cashback, all SBD generated from this post.


For more information I invite you to take a look at the original post HERE

best regards

Hi steemians,

I put on sale this painting for 20 SBD.


For more information about the painting, please take a look at this link:


And certainly CachBack is everything here on the garage sale ;).
🎁🎉I will add surprise as a gift from me, to the person who will buy this painting🎁🎉

Best regards to you all