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RE: Welcome to the Garage Sale continuation Issue 2 - Velkommen til garasjesalgets forsettelse utgave 2
Auction 5 closed: Look for auction nr 6- Auksjon 5 er avsluttet: Se etter auksjon 6
Since our T-shirt auction is so popular, we kick off with another T-shirt auction. We still have all sizes, lady and men's model. Bid what you want and have fun. Remember our famous CashBack.
Siden vår T-trøye er så populær, drar vi i gang en ny T-trøye auksjon. Vi har fortsatt alle størelser, dame- og herremodell. By hva du vil og ha moro. Husk vår berømte CashBack!
Let the fun begin and bid what you want.
@EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard
Have a good laugh:
I bid 27 SBD - Jeg byr 27 SBD
You are the winner of auction 5 in Issue 2 @Barbro
Just send 27 SBD to @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address and country, + what size and modell you want.
If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only @BabsBoard and you that can read it.
Lionel Messi will now give his signal to people
to come and give you CachBack.
Have a nice day
Best regards @EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard
Congratulations @barbro you deserve it🌹

wish us good luck for the next auctions
Yes, the video made me laugh a lot this is an entertaining and clever way to explain Bitcoin.
Hello again!

hoping to have it
My new bid is 25.5 SBD
As a big sister to you, I will give you the chance to get this t-shirt, because I see you are very eager to get it, but I do not guarantee you @Barbro's decision.

Overall, I wish you all good luck and I will try to get it at the next auction.
Dear to my heart @gagago I hope to have this chance 🧚🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
Hi @babsboard and @everydaycoach,

I hope to have the T-shirt

I bid 19
Reaally this once the T-shirt is mine
My bid is 17 SBD
Hello guys,
Here I am again 😊
I bid 5 SBD
They finished the auction before I was done bidding. So nice they put up a new T-shirt, as I said earlier can not live without the soft ones from @BabsBoard. I need more of them!
De avsluttet auksjonen før jeg var ferdig å by. Så fint at de la ut en ny T-skjorte, som jeg sa tidligere kan jeg ikke leve uten de myke fra @BabsBoard. Trenger flere av dem!
I bid 25 SBD - Jeg byr 25 SBD
I am sorry @barbro but I will try to have it this time with all my efforts, I will put a new offer despite that I have no more effort

Hello everyone!

My new bid is 21 SBD
Have a nice day 🦋
Hi Bidders,

My new bid is 24 SBD
Hi, I must have this T-shirt.
I love to wear soft and cozy shirts.
My bid is 12 SBD