Loss, this could mean so many things, but in online trading this could mean the end. Unfortunately enough a loss is very much likely to associate itself to a psychological effect that would trigger other things too. Primarily anger, doubt, depression and other emotional factors that would be triggered from losses, this not always we can control. So how do you handle online trading losses? It is simple actually, you should just stop trading. Honestly that is the best solution if you do not want to be taken over by the emotions that come from losing.
The only exception to this is the trader that is disciplined enough to detach himself / herself from the monetary aspects of trading. It is not easy (far from it) but you do have to get into a mental state of detachment from the money in order to focus on the trades and your analysis. You cannot be worried about the draw-down of your trading account and be 100% concentrated on the setup and market movements.
When most retail traders go through periods of many losses, especially larger losses, they would get into revenge trading, they would enter trades even based on nothing, not even setups that have high probability. I have seen traders that not only open revenge trades but leave them more open and expose themselves much more then usual. All this because they think that the ultimate trade is now going to hit and get the account back up to profits! Well sorry, that will not happen. The exact opposite will actually happen. The trades will get worse and your account will end up on zero in a very short time....and the it's GAME OVER....