The wise are not wise because they make no mistakes. They are wise because they correct them.

in #philosophy7 years ago

I am human, I make mistakes. So do you, even if you pretend you don´t.

If you are a person who likes to make decisions, whether they could be good or bad, regardless of the outcome, odds are you will be regreting some of them.

I am one of those people. I prefer to make a choice even when I am not 100% sure that it is the right one, do you want to know why? Because I like to feel that false sense of control over my life. If I am going to succeed or fail, it is going to be because of my own decisions rather than out of someone else´s choices.

Why do I call it a false sense of control?

I am not going to go deep into the phylosphical entanglements within destiny or fate. I am not prepared nor I have the educational aspects to make a post about destiny. But I can speak about it out of my own experience.

My father has a saying: If it is for you, it´ll come even if you try to avoid it; if it´s not for you, it won´t come even if you strive to reach it.

I like that saying, it makes me feel that there is a stronger force above me, it makes me feel calm and relaxed; but on the other side, I don´t fully accept it.

I like to think - even when it might not be true - that I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul (Thanks for the quote Ernest Henley) and that every choice I´ve made since I am capable of reasoning, has taken me where I am today.

And I like where I am today

But I am nowhere near perfection. In fact I am far from it. There is always room for improvement whether it is regarding my soul, my body or my mind.

One thing I learnt over the years is that in order to grow, you have to admit your defeats, you have to recognize your failures, you have to embrace your mistakes and analyze where you might be wrong or where does the step back comes from.

If you identify where can you be better, you are one step ahead of your previous self - which is the only person you should be comparing yourself to - but that is only half the way.

You need to correct your mistakes. You must hold yourself accountable for them.

Think about it, if you don´t suffer the consequences of your actions, how will you be able to know if they were negative or positive deeds?

It is not enough to be able to embrace your failures, you have to accept the consequences that come along those failures, but you also have to man up - or woman up also? - and say sorry when it is the case. After that, you are good to go in the road of improving and correcting those defeats.

Saying sorry is not as bad as it sounds.

Another thing my father says to me very often: If today you made a mistake or did harm to someone else, whatever you do, do not act tomorrow as if nothing happened.

And you know what?

Out of all the advices my old man has given me, that one is the wisest, but also the hardest to follow through. I will admit it. I don´t say sorry very often nor I ask for forgiveness every day.

It is almost impossible to stand up in front of a person and say You were right, I was wrong, I am sorry, I will try to correct my behaviour/thoughts/actions.

But when you do it from the heart, it is one of the most liberating emotions. You feel ready to move on, you think of yourself as someone who is ready to grow, to improve, to become a better version of yourself.

There are a lot of ways to grow as a human being, but out of my own experience, the hardest but most fulfilling way is to accept you still have a lot to grow.

They way I see it, every mistake serves as a step in the ladder of life, you just have to know how to use it.

So yeah, don´t hesitate to embrace mistakes, to accept failures, to admit defeats...

Go grow.



Hello my friend. Long time it's been! Glad to see you still out there somewhere livin' life to the fullest as you do! Yes, I too believe in "we are the masters of our circumstances." It's like the person who knows that smoking will one day kill them but chooses to continue to chain smoke each and every day when alternatives exist. Choices/actions define us and what we focus on creates our realities IMO. I believe the power above you that you speak of is what I call the source of it all, better yet the "ALL." I believe that you are but a mere piece or spec of this source as is everything in the universe and beyond here such as a blade of grass is also in the field experiencing experiences for the source as is the human within life. I don't believe individual source life is laid out in some book somewhere predetermined but rather unknown and developed day by day through choices and circumstances within the reality we exist in. Interesting huh, as the ALL wants to experience even though it is all knowing. Everything from the smallest microscopic thing to the largest object known and unknown is an individual spec and part of the source experiencing creation making it's way back to the source eventually one day to become whole once again. In essence we are all alone or individual but yet we are all one and the same at the same time.............

Amazing post with positive thoughts. Keep it up @anomadsoul. upvoted

Thank you for this post.

Thank you for this post. The topic of errors is relevant to me.
I often feel sorry for the mistakes made.
Even wrote about this in his blog "life as a trip"

In addition, the topic of errors is related to the theme of "right actions" and "wrong actions". Also related to the choice. With responsibility.

I like the design of your post.

I like how this post is designed. It is broken into small parts. Which are titled according to the meaning. And easy to read. And easy to understand.

You need to correct your mistakes. You must hold yourself accountable for them.

I remember this again and again. And when I remember and sincerely accept, the situation is resolved.

It is almost impossible to stand up in front of a person and say You were right, I was wrong, I am sorry, I will try to correct my behavior / thoughts / actions.


They way I see it, every mistake serves as a step in the ladder of life, you just have to know how to use it.

These words are really very important. These words inspire. These words support.

@anomadsoul - Well said my friend. It is absolutely essential that we take decisions without procrastination but at the same time, also be ready to accept and act upon the consequences. We need to really accept that no one is perfect and be ready to correct our course, including saying sorry to others (and sometimes to ourselves).
Your post makes me introspect. Thanks. Upvoted.



first @vm2904, cool lion. 2nd @anomadsoul great perspective!

making mistakes is part of taking risks and going the road different than people around you. I made many mistakes but nothing what would destroy the life. They are just learning experiences, something what pushes me in the direction I planned, but maybe will lead to something even more interested. I sometimes think, if leaving my steady job as an architect and following the dreams of building cool objects was one of them. But then I met so many cool people through making what I do and discovered new ways of leaving, opened new door and possibilities. Now I am on steemit :)

it is very difficult to find people who give motivation to life in post in steemit. what you say I strongly agree and have experienced it..
I like the motivation of your father. and my family has also advised me on this.. every man has his problem .. and he will be more mature when he got through it !!.

the wise words that must be done in life

If it is for you, it´ll come even if you try to avoid it; if it´s not for you, it won´t come even if you strive to reach it.

If today you made a mistake or did harm to someone else, whatever you do, do not act tomorrow as if nothing happened.

regards @fuadjamaluddin


regards NSC

words of wisdom we must do, because God does not give the burden to the ummah but according to the ability. 😊😊

I like your father's quote, We are not perfect, we learn from our own mistakes. @anomadsoul 😊😊

Nice wise article. To take responsibility for their lives - we have to do it. To admit their mistakes, because we are not perfect. There are no perfect people. Honestly admit their mistakes, their faults - is the best solution. Try to take responsibility and fix them. To work on becoming better. And not to put on his face a false mask of virtue. I don't like people who pretend to be sinless. To make in life something bad and wrong - is the destiny of every human being. But unfortunately, not everyone can recognize himself created evil, and to fix it. You will not be able to conquer your fears, vices and negative traits, yet do not recognize that they are in you. And only by recognizing this we are able to become better and to go forward to new achievements.

I strongly agree with what you say @anomadsoul, because what our parents say is for the good not the other way around. I always appreciate the wisdom of the parents, because that is the best way for us to obey me as you say. Then related destiny I'm sure it's all for sure, but we do not know for sure how our destiny is, so we have to try and work hard and take risks in this life.



absolutely loved the post. But you know what, sorry has lost all its value these days. We say sorry because we agree to the fact that we did wrong and we do regret it. But these days, people are tossing sorry like its no big deal at all. My Mother always used to tell me, "sorry and Thank you are very important words in life. Never use them in inappropriate places or for people who doesn't deserve it at all. At the same time, also never forget to use them when you are supposed to. If you do that correctly, you are a good human by nature". It is sad to see its been used recklessly. But such a wise post dear one. I'm a newbie here and you got yourself a new follower <3 will be checking this space for more amazing content

You are a very wise person. In your words, the truth is hidden, in the search for which many people take their lives. And you have already comprehended it and try to teach others and remind those who have lost their way in search. Good luck to you and kind.

Вы очень мудрый человек. В Ваших словах скрыта истина, на поиски которой у многих уходит жизнь. А Вы ее уже постигли и пробуете научить других и напомнить тем, кто заблудился в поисках. Удачи Вам и добра.