(You've gotta) BELIEVE IT to SEE IT
#gotta: have got to. (Google Dictionary)
#believe: 1. #accept (something) as #true; feel sure of the #truth of. 2. hold (something) as an #opinion; #think or suppose.
- accept the statement of (someone) as true.
- have #faith, especially religious faith.
- feel sure that (someone) is capable of a particular #action.
(Google Dictionary)
- used to refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified.
- used in the normal subject or object position when a more specific subject or object is given later in the sentence.
- the situation or circumstances; things in general.
- exactly what is needed or desired.
- denoting a person or thing that is exceptionally fashionable, popular, or successful at a particular time.
(Google Dictionary)
- perceive with the eyes; discern visually; be or become aware of something from observation or from a written or other visual source; be a spectator of (a #film, #game, or other #entertainment); watch.
- discern or deduce mentally after reflection or from information; understand; ascertain after inquiring, considering, or discovering an outcome.
- experience or witness (an event or situation); be the time or setting of (something).
- meet (someone one knows) socially or by chance.
- ensure; attend to; provide for the wants of.
(Google Dictionary)
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