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RE: Like Lambs To The Slaughter: Where Do The Children For Pizzagate Come From?

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

When Social Services accuses a parent of Pedophilia, be very careful about believing it. In my opinion and experience, the ones that they label pedophiles to remove the children are NOT the pedophiles. The ones that really are pedophiles get to keep their children (unless they are super stupid and leave tons of evidence behind).
My good friend had her daughter taken away for 2 years and put in foster care, on the accusation that her husband had sexually abused her.
They were never told the source of the accusation. Her husband moved out so that she could try to get her daughter back. They wouldn't tell her of court dates, but she would show up at court every family court date anyways. (The judge would have assumed that she didn't care and removed the child permanently if she never showed up.)
FINALLY, her lawyer got paperwork that was supposed to have crossed off the accusers name, but mistakenly the Social Workers name was blacked out instead ... and they found out who made the accusation of pedophilia. It was a neighbour who kept insisting that she sleep with him, and when she kept refusing (saying I am married) he accused her husband so that he would be out of the picture.
In a normal court case you know who your accuser is, but not with Social Services.
Anyways, eventually the judge gave back the child.
But by then the whole town had gossiped and believed that he was a pedophile.
She became my best friend, when I moved here. They (and the other kids they had) lived with us 3 months when their home burned down. I had neighbours saying that I was letting a child molester live with me.
But I didn't care. I knew the truth.
So let's be careful not to thrown the innocent under the bus when we seek out the truly evil pedophiles.
I have learned that people accuse others of what they are actually guilty of themselves.
I had a sister-in-law who slept around, including married men, and she had the gall to call me a SLUT. Now, I am not judging anyone or calling anyone a slut ... but that title fit her way more than it fit me.
People see the faults in others that they have in themselves ... so when someone accuses you .. it is likely something that they do themselves.


I wouldn't believe social services if they said the sun came up!

Ha ha ... that's about right.