Like Lambs To The Slaughter: Where Do The Children For Pizzagate Come From?

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I stumbled onto Pizzagate kind of by accident while researching the Clinton Foundation, particularly emails from Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills to HRC about child sex trafficker, Laura Silsby, who was under indictment. This led me to Monica Peterson who was killed investigating child sex trafficking in Haiti. In a communication with Titus Frost I reminded him of Monica and sent him some links to the emails and he told me about Sen. Nancy Schaefer with whom I was fairly unfamiliar (Thanks for the heads up Titus!). So I began to investigate. The videos are self-explanatory so I won't go into detail about them. However there are two points I'd like to make.

First: Nancy Schaefer was a Senator, yet her death in 2010 didn't get much attention even though the "murder-suicide" narrative was certainly lurid enough to garner national attention. Compare it to the death of Michael Jackson, a known pedophile that got national attention and was thoroughly examined 24/7 for two weeks by a parade of "experts" from every field imaginable.

Second: Nancy Schaefer, a Senator from Georgia was investigating Child Protective Services and their role in providing children for sexual exploitation. CNN has been in the forefront to decry "Fake News" in the Pizzagate scandal, yet in July of 2015 they produced a documentary called Sex Trafficking: The New American Slavery. Much of it was in Atlanta, which seems to have become a hub for sex trafficking in America. One would naturally think, given their interest in the issue, CNN would take the lead in investigation Pizzagate instead of being part of the coverup! This first video is by Reality Calls (who, ironically, is one of the Youtube channels that has been interfered with over Pizzagate)

The next one is an interview Sen. Schaefer did with Alex Jones about the same issue. This is part one of a four part series, the rest can be reached through the link for anyone interested.

In the next video she talks about Atlanta as being a sex trafficking hub, something CNN certainly should have been interested in. I Googled child sex trafficking Atlanta and the first thing that came up was CNN and their piece that includes a number of videos. The article and documentary were done by Leif Coorlim and Dana Ford of CNN who apparently have lost interest in the subject.

The final video talks about the absolute criminality with which CPS kidnaps children from healthy families and turns them over to pedophiles.

There is absolutely no doubt that Sen. Schaefer and her husband were murdered because she/they found out too much. The corrupt CPS and the pedophiles they serve had too much to lose by her coming forward and exposing what she had found. William Fain, who was supposed to produce Sen. Schaefer's documentary vowed to release it no matter what. Apparently he has been compromised, either through money or fear for his own life. The Schaefers were devout Christians who wouldn't consider suicide because of their faith (suicide is one sin that is unforgivable). Moreover, the murder/suicide narrative just doesn't make sense, particularly stacked up against the likelihood of silencing a witness to rampant criminality.

In the furor surrounding Pizzagate, this aspect is being largely overlooked. A mistake, I think. Thanks to Titus for steering me in this direction.


Where I live, the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) is straight evil. I supported a friend who went through hell with them over a year ago; a had another young mother live with me while I fought MCFD with her after they kidnapped her child (totally broke ALL their own rules acting illegally); and I have another friend who went through hell and over with before I met her but told me the whole story --- all in the town I live in.

People have the hardest time believing that they aren't there to help families. I have thought about doing some posts here with my friend's experiences ... I am getting angry right now just thinking about it again.
EVIL, EVIL, EVIL! They want to destroy families and will take your kids any chance they get. They know who is vulnerable though ... all 3 of my friends were vulnerable for different reasons, including poverty and youth and formerly being a child in the system. They are less likely to pick on someone strong like myself but I'm still VERY hesitant to say what I really know publicly for my own children's sake -- so I suppose that I won't ever actually do that post here on Steemit. Someone with grown children who can't be grabbed from them needs to step up to the bat and expose their evil corruption.

They're evil here too...I fought them for years because I homeschooled my 4 children. I'm doing a multi-phased article on the Clintons and their relationship with the UN's Treaty on the Rights of the Child will be in a later post. Remember Hillary's "It Takes a Village." It's all part of the same conspiracy (God I hate to use that word).

I homeschool and don't vaccinate, but around here fortunately those things don't raise any eyebrows as we have really, really good rights granted in those regards. However, it doesn't keep MCFD (Social Workers) from just lying and making up garbage reasons to take your children away. My one friend had a child break a leg. The Social Workers came to the hospital and questioned her. Finally, the scans and results all came back that it was only an accident,and the doctors declared zero abuse. BUT the Social Workers kept coming to her home anyways and tried their hardest to trick her into saying something bad about her husband, and tried to trick her into signing her kids over to them by saying that she needed respite because of all the stress, and that her children could stay a day or two with someone else so mom could get a break (pretending that they cared). She said no, and later found out that if she had signed that it would have been giving them custody of her children. Her Social Worker was a hard drug user even and she recognized the signs. EVIL, EVIL, EVIL. Luckily my friend was smart and she had me warning her of some of their tricks too. They hired her a housekeeper -- I told her not to accept but she did -- and then the housekeeper let the Social Worker in her home when she wasn't home and they snooped around looking for something to use against her. Wow!

Michigan was terrible in the 90's! When I was in college, I did really well not because I'm particularly brilliant, but I worked hard. I had a wife & 4 kids. A neighbor, out of academic jealousy told DPS I kept my boys locked in their room and slipped bologna under the door to feed them! They put me through Hell. When I was homeschooling years later, I was doing phys ed. and somebody drove by and saw the kids outside during school hours and turned me in. DPS came out and kids were being educated by someone with a MA in economics. My boys were reading Plato & Aristotle at 12 or 13...they were getting a fine education. People help these criminals and think they're "doing the right thing" Makes me sick!

Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers!!!
Their souls are damned to roast in hell for all eternity.
Shame on them!!!

I just like truth, and I hate scum. Which, you'd think would be normal but... maybe not.

So do I... that's why I keep writing about this stuff!

It's sad that Conspiracy has a meaning yet we wince when we use it. The word has a valid purpose and can still be true. Yet, it has been so conditioned by the NOT FAKE NEWS that it is a bad word, that we are loathe to use it for fear people might not even listen at all as soon as they see that word.

Every time it comes up they call us "the tinfoil hat brigade" and other equally insulting things.

Conditioned robots... hear a word and it is like the Pavlovian response of ringing a bell to make a dog salivate. They hear CONSPIRACY and immediately go into attack mode and start self censoring their mind, ears, and eyes.

It is a word... it has meaning. The truth does not care if people are comfortable.

Use it when it is appropriate, and ignore the conditioning. Thanks.

The more uncomfortable I can make people, the better I feel! Thank you!

Please post all of your stories.

Children die from lack of care while in CPS custody. This is far rarer with their real family.

Children are abused in the worst way in CPS custody. The beatings done by the worst family are easier on the child, than what CPS does.

CPS is evil, please expose them with all of your stories.

Every time I find something I do!

how many have to suffer this before things change? anyone who is in denial of this should be disowned from us. apathy, ignorance, and inaction are dangerous and malicious. the people who hide behind these things are our enemies.

My friend...they depend on it! That's why I and many many others are keeping on digging and NEVER letting go until change comes!!!

When Social Services accuses a parent of Pedophilia, be very careful about believing it. In my opinion and experience, the ones that they label pedophiles to remove the children are NOT the pedophiles. The ones that really are pedophiles get to keep their children (unless they are super stupid and leave tons of evidence behind).
My good friend had her daughter taken away for 2 years and put in foster care, on the accusation that her husband had sexually abused her.
They were never told the source of the accusation. Her husband moved out so that she could try to get her daughter back. They wouldn't tell her of court dates, but she would show up at court every family court date anyways. (The judge would have assumed that she didn't care and removed the child permanently if she never showed up.)
FINALLY, her lawyer got paperwork that was supposed to have crossed off the accusers name, but mistakenly the Social Workers name was blacked out instead ... and they found out who made the accusation of pedophilia. It was a neighbour who kept insisting that she sleep with him, and when she kept refusing (saying I am married) he accused her husband so that he would be out of the picture.
In a normal court case you know who your accuser is, but not with Social Services.
Anyways, eventually the judge gave back the child.
But by then the whole town had gossiped and believed that he was a pedophile.
She became my best friend, when I moved here. They (and the other kids they had) lived with us 3 months when their home burned down. I had neighbours saying that I was letting a child molester live with me.
But I didn't care. I knew the truth.
So let's be careful not to thrown the innocent under the bus when we seek out the truly evil pedophiles.
I have learned that people accuse others of what they are actually guilty of themselves.
I had a sister-in-law who slept around, including married men, and she had the gall to call me a SLUT. Now, I am not judging anyone or calling anyone a slut ... but that title fit her way more than it fit me.
People see the faults in others that they have in themselves ... so when someone accuses you .. it is likely something that they do themselves.

I wouldn't believe social services if they said the sun came up!

Ha ha ... that's about right.

You might want to use and not google.
The results are not exactly the same, but are close and you privacy is guaranteed by the proxy.

Great recommendation as I use the site as well.

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