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RE: Like Lambs To The Slaughter: Where Do The Children For Pizzagate Come From?

I homeschool and don't vaccinate, but around here fortunately those things don't raise any eyebrows as we have really, really good rights granted in those regards. However, it doesn't keep MCFD (Social Workers) from just lying and making up garbage reasons to take your children away. My one friend had a child break a leg. The Social Workers came to the hospital and questioned her. Finally, the scans and results all came back that it was only an accident,and the doctors declared zero abuse. BUT the Social Workers kept coming to her home anyways and tried their hardest to trick her into saying something bad about her husband, and tried to trick her into signing her kids over to them by saying that she needed respite because of all the stress, and that her children could stay a day or two with someone else so mom could get a break (pretending that they cared). She said no, and later found out that if she had signed that it would have been giving them custody of her children. Her Social Worker was a hard drug user even and she recognized the signs. EVIL, EVIL, EVIL. Luckily my friend was smart and she had me warning her of some of their tricks too. They hired her a housekeeper -- I told her not to accept but she did -- and then the housekeeper let the Social Worker in her home when she wasn't home and they snooped around looking for something to use against her. Wow!


Michigan was terrible in the 90's! When I was in college, I did really well not because I'm particularly brilliant, but I worked hard. I had a wife & 4 kids. A neighbor, out of academic jealousy told DPS I kept my boys locked in their room and slipped bologna under the door to feed them! They put me through Hell. When I was homeschooling years later, I was doing phys ed. and somebody drove by and saw the kids outside during school hours and turned me in. DPS came out and kids were being educated by someone with a MA in economics. My boys were reading Plato & Aristotle at 12 or 13...they were getting a fine education. People help these criminals and think they're "doing the right thing" Makes me sick!

Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers!!!
Their souls are damned to roast in hell for all eternity.
Shame on them!!!

I just like truth, and I hate scum. Which, you'd think would be normal but... maybe not.

So do I... that's why I keep writing about this stuff!