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RE: Like Lambs To The Slaughter: Where Do The Children For Pizzagate Come From?

in #pizzagate8 years ago

It's sad that Conspiracy has a meaning yet we wince when we use it. The word has a valid purpose and can still be true. Yet, it has been so conditioned by the NOT FAKE NEWS that it is a bad word, that we are loathe to use it for fear people might not even listen at all as soon as they see that word.


Every time it comes up they call us "the tinfoil hat brigade" and other equally insulting things.

Conditioned robots... hear a word and it is like the Pavlovian response of ringing a bell to make a dog salivate. They hear CONSPIRACY and immediately go into attack mode and start self censoring their mind, ears, and eyes.

It is a word... it has meaning. The truth does not care if people are comfortable.

Use it when it is appropriate, and ignore the conditioning. Thanks.

The more uncomfortable I can make people, the better I feel! Thank you!